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Add PyRadio template repository #43

Closed edunfelt closed 2 years ago

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

This looks like the main pyradio repo, not a Base16 template repo.

Is the link wrong?

edunfelt commented 2 years ago

@joshgoebel gah, how silly of me! I copied the wrong link it seems, thank you for double checking. I fixed it now.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

What does the temp dir during build do for you? It looks like you're just linking to the existing templates directory... so I'm not sure how a symlink helps? Just curious.

edunfelt commented 2 years ago

Hi @joshgoebel,

Good question :sweat_smile:

It was some way I did this to get around needing to actually put the working files in the base16 directory structure required by the builder, by linking the template to base16/templates/base16-pyradio and then moving out the generated themes. Quite cumbersome.

I also realize there is still some artifacts left in the makefile from previously using base16-builder-python that I got an issue with just today due to #39. :/


joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure how you're doing things... personally I'd just checkout the template INTO the base16 folder and then manage it from there, as hinted at in the node builder instructions. So them the build assets are exactly where you need them, git add, git commit, done.

edunfelt commented 2 years ago

Right, so the root of the repo would then contain the base16/ directory with its subdirectories containing templates and themes if I understand things correctly? I just wanted to avoid that extra click of going into the base16 directory for downloading/viewing the themes and templates.

Sorry for being so obtuse, but I don't frequently work with these types of files.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

And just maintain your template from that folder. (or you could symlink it)

To build (from inside your you_template):

cd ../../..
base16 build
cd base16/templates/your_template

Of course if you wrap this in a tiny script you don't need to cd back as when the script dies you'll be returned automagicaly. The node builder README has an example.

Every once in a while you need to jump into schemes to pull down changes, etc...

belak commented 2 years ago

We've also got the Go builder available as a Github action. I have an example in the base16-emacs repo:


edunfelt commented 2 years ago

Ah right I understand now, thank you for taking the time to explain.

I saw the example in the builder README but I was still a bit confused as you understand. I will consider making some changes to simplify things.

Good evening/morning :)

edunfelt commented 2 years ago

We've also got the Go builder available as a Github action. I have an example in the base16-emacs repo:


That's cool! Thanks for the example :) I'm using the node builder in an action currently: https://github.com/edunfelt/base16-pyradio/blob/main/.github/workflows/update.yml