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Potential merge with base24 #45

Closed joshgoebel closed 2 years ago

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

I'd also be happy to work towards a potential merge and am happy to collaborate as I do not see the need to duplicate efforts. The reason I created base24 was to solve the following issues

For me, once the following issue is resolved then there is no need for base24

Originally posted by @FredHappyface in https://github.com/base16-project/base16/issues/7#issuecomment-1167613932

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

I'm splitting this issue out since the base9 maintainer opened (and closed) the prior thread... (which is fine, as it was largely about base9). So now the conversation about Base16/Base24 can move forward here.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

base16 does not deal with bright ansi colours

Do you know if all the base24 schemes are really base16 themes with +8 colors - or have people taken the liberty to CHANGE the original base16 colors when porting things over? I imagine this might be done - since surely the medium shades offered by all base16 themes before might not always transfer magically to the best light/dark tones.

Personally (if they were all/largely the same) I think it might be nice if the newer base24 schemes replaced the base16 schemes - but builders knew how to build both (from the 24 color sources), ie you could build the base16 version of a base24 schemes easily if you asked the builder to do so.

This would allow all the schemes to stay one unified list rather than splitting into base24 versions, base16 versions, etc... Otherwise we have everything duplicated:

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

One other idea is to let the builder resolve the differences. IE if a base24 scheme has two different greens (light and dark), those might be mixed/merged if a base16 scheme were built from the base24 scheme... though I'm not sure if that would be better/worse than simply picking the brighter variant, etc...

I think if we want to allow builders to seamlessly work with multiple "types" of "compatible" palettes (which base16 and 24 laregly are) then we'll need a way to abstract tiny pieces of logic into the builders to deal with some of these more subtle details.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

Conveniently the node builder just works with the baseXX keys it finds (and passes them on), so it supports base24 out of the box with no changes.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

Closing this as superceded by #49