tinted-theming / tinty

A base16 and base24 color scheme manager
MIT License
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docs: optimize env scripts for non-existent XDG_DATA_HOME #16

Closed henry-hsieh closed 2 months ago

henry-hsieh commented 2 months ago

The original scripts finds themes in /tinted-theming/tinty if $XDG_DATA_HOME doesn't exist. This didn't match XDG base directory specification.

JamyGolden commented 2 months ago

Which operating system are you using? I'm asking because I use dirs and on Linux dirs should be defaulting to $HOME/.local/share if XDG is missing.

henry-hsieh commented 2 months ago

I'm using Ubuntu 20.04. It has nothing to do with Rust implementation. I want to make this change because bash doesn't swap empty $XDG_DATA_HOME to $HOME/.local/share. Please see this page.

I think this can be simplified to tinty_data_dir="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/tinted-theming/tinty". I'll make another commit after I have access to a computer.