tintinweb / vscode-decompiler

Decompile things directly from VSCode
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Decompilation fails on windows 10 with ghidra, code 4058 #41

Open mahdi28881 opened 1 year ago

mahdi28881 commented 1 year ago

Failed to run decompiliation command. Check your configuration. {"code":{"errno":-4058,"code":"ENOENT","syscall":"spawn analyzeHeadless","path":"analyzeHeadless","spawnargs":["C:\Users\ASUS\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp-11984-QpSSl0sNxJCB","vscode-decompiler","-import","e:\cs mods\failsafe\405810376.dll","-scriptPath","c:\Users\ASUS\.vscode\extensions\tintinweb.vscode-decompiler-0.1.0\scripts","-postScript","c:\Users\ASUS\.vscode\extensions\tintinweb.vscode-decompiler-0.1.0\scripts\ghidra_decompile.py","C:\Users\ASUS\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp-11984-EPwTMpyCTOds"]},"type":"single","err":"tool returned non-zero exit code"}

Zer0zzy commented 7 months ago

I was able to connect this with an issue where the extension was not creating the folders for ghidra to find. So ghidra is falling because no tmp-* folders exist. Unfortunately, I haven't found a solution yet.

darylhur commented 4 months ago

I'm getting this issue as well

Mhanz3500 commented 3 weeks ago

same issue

LuluZulu123 commented 3 weeks ago

I got this error when i referenced "analyzeHeadless" instead of "anazlyzeHeadless.bat"