tintoy / dotnet-kube-client

A Kubernetes API client for .NET Standard / .NET Core
MIT License
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Support for username/passsword (basic) API Authentication #112

Closed jonstelly closed 4 years ago

jonstelly commented 4 years ago

This is a simple username/password authentication implementation. I've verified that it works from .kube/config or creating options by hand.

K3s uses username/password authentication by default. If you have a strong preference to not add username/password support that's OK. I don't strictly need this since I've tested generating a token like I mention here: https://github.com/tintoy/dotnet-kube-client/issues/80 and modifying my .kube/config entry. But it would simplify my workflow quite a bit if I didn't have to do that when I recreate my k3s cluster (which happens often), and I imagine there are other username/password environments out there.

tintoy commented 4 years ago

Hey - thanks, I'm happy with this :-)