SPI1 is an auxiliary peripheral that's referred to as mini SPI. According to the BCM2835 documentation, using higher clock speeds on SPI1 requires additional CPU time compared to SPI0, caused by smaller FIFOs and no DMA support. It doesn't support Mode1 or Mode3. SPI1 can be enabled by adding dtoverlay=spi1-1cs to /boot/config.txt. Replace 1cs with either 2cs or 3cs if you require 2 or 3 Slave Select pins. The associated pins are listed below.
SPI1 is an auxiliary peripheral that's referred to as mini SPI. According to the BCM2835 documentation, using higher clock speeds on SPI1 requires additional CPU time compared to SPI0, caused by smaller FIFOs and no DMA support. It doesn't support Mode1 or Mode3. SPI1 can be enabled by adding dtoverlay=spi1-1cs to /boot/config.txt. Replace 1cs with either 2cs or 3cs if you require 2 or 3 Slave Select pins. The associated pins are listed below.
MISO: BCM GPIO 19 (physical pin 35) MOSI: BCM GPIO 20 (physical pin 38) SCLK: BCM GPIO 21 (physical pin 40) SS: Ss0 BCM GPIO 18 (physical pin 12), Ss1 BCM GPIO 17 (physical pin 11), Ss2 BCM GPIO 16 (physical pin 36)