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泰晓资讯 08月 / 第 一 期 / 2019 —— 资讯收集 #362

Closed unicornx closed 5 years ago

unicornx commented 5 years ago

LWN.net Weekly Edition for July 18, 2019

This week's edition also includes these inner pages:

unicornx commented 5 years ago

KernelShark 1.0 released

The KernelShark graphical interface for the kernel's internal tracer Ftrace has reached version 1.0. This version is a complete rewrite in Qt. The original version from 2010 used GTK+ 2.0. The new version has more features and nice big buttons which hopefully makes it easier to use. If you want detailed information about what your machine is doing on a low level then KernelShark may be for you.

The KernelShark package comes with two parts: The command line tool trace-cmd (man) which can be used to record traces using the Linux kernel's Ftrace tracker (available as CONFIG_FTRACE=y) and the graphical KernelShark user interface which lets you visualize and analyze recorded traces.

kernelshark 1.0 released

KernelShark 1.0已发布,作为可视化Trace-cmd Linux内核跟踪的工具。 Kernelshark作为trace-cmd的前端,借助图形化,灵活的filter,缩放功能,能更有效的帮助分析,高效的得到结果。它包含Ftrace以进行内部Linux内核跟踪,以分析内核中正在发生的事情。

为了为所有这些可视化提供支持,KernelShark最初是使用GTK工具包编写的,但现在已经转移到Qt5。 目前的维护者Steven Rostedt指出,新的Qt化的KernelShark更具可扩展性,更快,更易于使用。

想要了解更多关于KernelShark 1.0及其跟踪可视化的信息,请访问 KernelShark.org

unicornx commented 5 years ago

AWTK 1.2 发布,国产开源 GUI 引擎

AWTK全称为Toolkit AnyWhere,是ZLG倾心打造的一套基于C语言开发的GUI框架。旨在为用户提供一个功能强大、高效可靠、简单易用、可轻松做出炫酷效果的GUI引擎,并支持跨平台同步开发,一次编程,终生使用。


unicornx commented 5 years ago

What's coming in Python 3.8

The Python 3.8 beta cycle is already underway, with Python 3.8.0b1 released on June 4, followed by the second beta on July 4. That means that Python 3.8 is feature complete at this point, which makes it a good time to see what will be part of it when the final release is made. That is currently scheduled for October, so users don't have that long to wait to start using those new features.

Python 3.8 beta 开发周期已经进行了有一段时间了,6 月 4 日发布了第一个 beta 版本 3.8.0b1,随后是 7 月 4 日的第二个 beta 版本。这意味着到目前为止 Python 3.8 计划支持的新功能已经全部完成,所以现在正是在最终发布之前了解 Python 语言即将支持的新功能的最佳时机。 最终的发布时间应该会是在今年 10 月份,因此毋须着急,大家很快就可以开始享用这些新功能。如果希望了解详细的功能列表清单请查看 原文

unicornx commented 5 years ago

Linux Kernel 5.3-rc2 released

Linux 内核 5.3 版本的第二个 RC 业已发布, 目前看上去没有引入什么大的新特性,主要是一些小的问题修复。主要的特性修改在 RC1 中已经合入,具体可以参考 LWN 在七月中旬给大家总结的在 5.3 merge 窗口期间合入的 特性清单。最终的 5.3 版本估计会在 9 月份早期发布。