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泰晓资讯 11月 / 第 1 期 / 2019 —— 资讯收集 #465

Closed unicornx closed 4 years ago

unicornx commented 4 years ago

LWN.net Weekly Edition for October 17, 2019

unicornx commented 4 years ago

Finding race conditions with KCSAN

Race conditions can be some of the trickiest bugs to find. The resulting problems can be subtle, and reproducing the problem in order to track it down can be difficult or impossible; often code inserted to narrow down a race condition will cause it to stop manifesting entirely. A tool that can find race conditions automatically would thus be a valuable thing for the kernel community to have. In late September, Marco Elver announced a tool called KCSAN (the Kernel Concurrency Sanitizer) that does exactly that — and which has already found a number of real problems.

Race conditions 是最难查的一类 bug 了。这种问题不易察觉,复现也很困难,甚至几乎不可能。有时候只是加两行调试代码就可能导致这个问题再也不出现了。因此内核l社区非常希望能有一个工具来帮助我们自动找到 race condition。在 9 月下旬,Marco Elver 发布了一个叫做 KCSAN(the Kernel Concurrency SANitizer)的工具,就是针对这个需求的,并且还真的帮助大家发现了好几个问题。有关该工具的工作原理以及它的实际用例请参考 原文

unicornx commented 4 years ago

分布式 Linux 测试平台 KernelCI 成为新的 Linux基金会项目

"We have six or seven projects which are doing kernel testing, so much so that we're getting really annoyed," kernel maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman told a crowd today. "We came together [at the Linux Plumber's conference] and said pick one. We agreed on this one." The chosen one is KernelCI, which has now become a Linux Foundation project, and the recipient of funding from companies including Google, Microsoft and Red Hat.

Linux 基金会今天宣布 KernelCI 测试平台将成为该基金会旗下的成员项目之一。该项目目前获得BayLibre、Civil Infrastructure Platform、Collabora、Foundries.io、谷歌、微软和红帽的赞助。KernelCI 将加快在各种硬件平台上对 Linux 的测试工作。KernelCI 的主要目标是采用开放的理念来提高Linux 内核的质量、稳定性和长期维护。Linux 基金会对该平台的预期改进包括改进 LTS 内核测试和验证;巩固现有的测试措施;改善现有服务的质量;扩展计算资源;以及增加需要测试的硬件池。从长远来看,成员们希望使其结构更加现代化;并测试 Linux 内核之外的软件;定义测试标准并参与跨项目协作。

unicornx commented 4 years ago

Brian Kernighan 的新书《Unix: A History and a Memoir》

Brian Kernighan,计算机科学老艺术家,1942 年 1 月出生于加拿大多伦多,今年 77 岁。他曾经效力于贝尔实验室,协助 Ken Thompson 和 Dennis Ricthie 开发了 Unix 操作系统。

UNIX 这个名字,也是他提出来的哦。

今年是 Unix 诞生 50 周年,除了贝尔实验室有专题活动外(参见我们之前的推文《Unix 50 岁了!Ubuntu 也 15 岁了!》), Kernighan 也写了一本新书:《Unix: A History and a Memoir》。该书以半纪实半回忆录的形式,讲述了 Unix 的起源,解释了 Unix 是什么东西,Unix 是如何产生的,以及它的重要性。该书目前在 Amazon 已上市

unicornx commented 4 years ago

UNIX诞生五十周年 https://www.bell-labs.com/var/articles/celebrating-50-years-unix/

The summer of 1969 was one of the most culturally significant times in modern American history. It was the summer when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, more than 400,000 people attended the legendary Woodstock music festival, and the Stonewall riots brought the fight for gay rights to the national stage.

However, something else happened that summer which you won’t find in most history books… a Bell Labs researcher named Ken Thompson created the first version of Unix, which turned out to be one of the most important pieces of computer software ever invented.

1969年夏天是美国现代史上最具文化意义的时期之一。 那年夏天,尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)登上月球,超过40万人参加了传奇的伍德斯托克音乐节,而斯通沃尔暴动使争取同性恋权利的斗争上升到了国家舞台。

但是,那个夏天发生了一些事情,您在大多数历史书籍中都找不到这件事……一位名叫Ken Thompson的贝尔实验室研究人员创建了Unix的第一个版本,事实证明它是有史以来最重要的计算机软件之一。

UNIX 诞生于 1969 年 AT&T 公司的贝尔实验室,今天隶属于诺基亚公司的贝尔实验室举办了 UNIX 诞生五十周年的庆祝活动。https://www.bell-labs.com/unix50/

unicornx commented 4 years ago

Microsoft, 一个新的 Linux 发布版供应商

2019 has been an exciting year for Linux. Microsoft has already become a Linux distributor by offering Linux kernel with WLS2, making Windows 10 one of the most ‘dominant’ Linux distribution. 2020 is going to be even more exciting as Microsoft said that Azure Sphere OS, a Linux-based IoT platform will be available in February 2020.

对于Linux来说,2019年是令人振奋的一年。 微软已经通过提供带有WLS2的Linux内核而成为Linux发行商,使Windows 10成为最“主要”的Linux发行版之一。 微软表示,基于Linux的IoT平台Azure Sphere OS将于2020年2月上市,2020年将变得更加令人兴奋。

unicornx commented 4 years ago

AWS to sponsor Rust project

Amazon Web Services has agreed to sponsor the development of the Rust project, being just one of the latest tech giants to throw its weight behind this security-focused programming language. AWS said it decided to sponsor Rust after it began using it more and more inside its infrastructure. Services like Lambda, EC2, and S3 are now using Rust in "performance-sensitive components," the company said.

亚马逊网络服务公司已同意赞助Rust项目的开发,这是最新的技术巨头之一,将其重点放在这种以安全性为重点的编程语言后面。 AWS表示,在开始在其基础架构中越来越多地使用Rust后,它决定赞助Rust。 该公司表示,Lambda,EC2和S3等服务现在在“对性能敏感的组件”中使用Rust。