tinycreative / react-native-intercom

React Native wrapper for Intercom.io
MIT License
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Intercom causes crash in IOS CarPlay on launch #453

Closed michalis-ligopsychakis closed 2 years ago

michalis-ligopsychakis commented 2 years ago

Hello everyone!!

I added CarPlay on my react-native app and I am getting this error when CarPlay simulator starts: " Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[CPTemplateApplicationScene windows]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fb35bac6fb0' "

If I comment out the lines that needs to initialise Intercom from ' AppDelegate.m ' file, the error stops and app not crashes.. Here are the init lines:
[Intercom setApiKey:@"YOUR_IOS_API_KEY_HERE" forAppId:@"YOUR_APP_ID_HERE"]; [Intercom registerUnidentifiedUser];

Can anyone help..? Any Ideas are welcome :)

michalis-ligopsychakis commented 2 years ago

Can anyone help ? 👻