tinylibs / tinyrainbow

🌈 a small library to print colourful messages
MIT License
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Support CSS-based %c coloring? #1

Open jcbhmr opened 1 year ago

jcbhmr commented 1 year ago

I'd be interested in contributing code to do this

To enable more cross-platform stuff (Firefox, Safari, etc.) it would be nice to treat Node.js as the "special case" due to Node.js' lack of support for %c and treat console.log("%cHi", "color:red") as the "most correct" way of doing things.

For instance, the provided example code in the README.md doesn't work in Firefox due to it using ANSI which only works on TTYs and Chrome-related browsers.

My estimated support table of ANSI vs %c-based colors: Support ANSI colors Support %c specifier
Node.js 🟨 https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/29605
Safari unknown*

* I don't have an Apple device to test this on. Apple doesn't release Safari for Windows 😭

Since this package doesn't have any dependents on npm (and 0 DLs/week) I think it'd be very non-breaking to revamp the API surface for a v2 or whatever without angering any users.


Some ideas for how it might look as a user:

import { c, log, debug, info, error, warn } from "tinyrainbow"

// This returns an array to spread over multiple console.log() args
c`<green>SUCCESS</> <i>${message} <gray>${new Date()}</gray></i>`
//=> ["%cSUCCESS%c %c%s %c%s%c%c", "color:green", "",
//    "font-style:italic", message, "font-style:italic;color:gray",
//    new Date(), "font-style:italic", ""]

// and might be used like this?
console.log(...c`<green>SUCCESS</> <i>${message} <gray>${new Date()}</gray></i>`)

// or maybe a shortcut for every console.* method?
log`<red>UH OH</red> something went <i>wrong</>`
debug`Hello <b>WORLD</b>`
warn`<yellow>Oh no</yellow> <i>anyway...</i>`

image image image

Keep in mind that this lets you do WAYYYY more than just color the text! You can make it bigger, bolder, center it, add background color, and even add images! Obviously some properties like background-image are only supported in browsers and not in Deno 🤣

image https://www.bennadel.com/blog/3941-styling-console-log-output-formatting-with-css.htm

This would also help this library establish a niche that isn't already claimed by another library! For the Google search "npm console colors" there's already like 10 different libraries that do ANSI codes, but all of the popular ones seem to fall flat in Firefox since they rely on ANSI codes.

I think this is a great time to pivot and make a name/identity as the library for cross-platform log coloration image

jcbhmr commented 1 year ago

📬 @sheremet-va since i notice you're not 👁 watching this repo https://github.com/tinylibs/tinyrainbow/watchers

sheremet-va commented 1 year ago

This library was created to support Jest assertions which use ANSI colors to display errors even though it's not used in an actual project yet.

Changing the API will render this library useless. Especially because it doesn't work in Node.

jcbhmr commented 1 year ago

Changing the API will render this library useless. Especially because it doesn't work in Node.

it would be nice to treat Node.js as the "special case"

What I meant by this ☝️ was that by using the spread pattern, you can support %c specifiers while also adding a special case for Nodejs to only use ANSI if it's nodejs otherwise use CSS

Like this in browsers:

// This returns an array to spread over multiple console.log() args
c`<green>SUCCESS</> <i>${message} <gray>${new Date()}</gray></i>`
//=> ["%cSUCCESS%c %c%s %c%s%c%c", "color:green", "",
//    "font-style:italic", message, "font-style:italic;color:gray",
//    new Date(), "font-style:italic", ""]

But then the same code in nodejs gives you this

// This returns an array to spread over multiple console.log() args
c`<green>SUCCESS</> <i>${message} <gray>${new Date()}</gray></i>`
//=> ["%sSUCCESS%c %s%s %s%s%s%s", "\x33[...m", "\x33[...m",
//    "\x33...m", message, "\x33...m\x33...m",
//    new Date(), "\x33...m", "\x33...m"]

That's my idea basically. Something like that either with functions or tagged templates or something.

This library was created to support Jest assertions which use ANSI colors to display errors even though it's not used in an actual project yet.

That's really cool! 🎉

sheremet-va commented 1 year ago

I do like the general premise and the idea as a whole. This was my initial idea for the package, but there are a few problems with it that lead me to just fork picocolors instead.

But then the same code in nodejs gives you this

The problem with this is backward compatibility. This package is made primarily for Vitest to use in browser and node modes. Our expect.extend supports matcherHint function and color variables: EXPECTED_COLOR, RECEIVED_COLOR, INVERTED_COLOR, BOLD_WEIGHT, DIM_COLOR. Used like this: Some ${BOLD_WEIGHT('important') message. And only a single string is returned from the failing assertion, which makes it impossible to split this into an array.

While we could rewrite the implementation to support this style of color, we cannot rewrite custom implementations. Packages that were written for Jest but work in Vitest will stop working.

If we can find a way to bypass this, I'm fine with a PR.