CodeMagic is an advanced source code editor plugin for Tinymce. It integrates the CodeMirror library for syntax coloring, and the JSBeautifier library for code formating and indentation.
MIT License
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Bad installation instructions in README.txt for Drupal #14
The instructions in README.txt don't work if installing in Drupal. They should say:
Download and activate the wysiwyg_codemagic module.
If using Drush:
drush dl wysiwyg_codemagic
drush @sites en wysiwyg_codemagic
Go to and login to GitHub. You can't download the code without logging in, so create an account if you don't already have it. Then clone the code or download the zip file of the code and decompress it in the directory /sites/all/libraries/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/, so the codemagic javascript file will be located at:
Go to your WYSIWYG profiles under /admin/config/content/wysiwyg, and enable "CodeMagic" under "Buttons and Plugins". This will give you a new button in your TinyMCE
The instructions in README.txt don't work if installing in Drupal. They should say: