tinymce-plugins / codemagic

CodeMagic is an advanced source code editor plugin for Tinymce. It integrates the CodeMirror library for syntax coloring, and the JSBeautifier library for code formating and indentation.
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Unable to see effect of text wrapping option. #7

Open bsy-web opened 11 years ago

bsy-web commented 11 years ago

I pulled down latest master yesterday to test the text wrapping option, but could not see its effect. Some things I tried were:

  1. changing max_char value in codemagic.js to smaller and larger values
  2. resizing the input overlay screen (I integrated the files to replace Ultimate TinyMCE's CodeMagic folder, updated filepaths where needed.)
  3. typing until text ran way off to the right.

Can someone please provide a use-case and/or describe what should happen when text wrapping is enable?

How does this feature differ from the max_char attribute which places a carriage return after a set length of characters on one line?

I will test and respond to any suggestions for verifying this feature. Thanks.

SnowCreative commented 11 years ago

Yeah, same here. No text wrapping is happening. I added this to the bottom of codemirror.css, and wrapping works now:

.wrapText .CodeMirror-lines pre {       white-space: pre-wrap;       white-space: -moz-pre-wrap       white-space: -pre-wrap       white-space: -o-pre-wrap       word-wrap: break-word; } .CodeMirror-lines div {       max-width:100%; }

SnowCreative commented 11 years ago

OK, actually that doesn't work. The lines are wrapped, but you can't select text. It acts as if there is only a single line rather than wrapped lines for selecting; only the top line of a wrapped block gets selected. !!!

bsy-web commented 11 years ago

Adding cross reference for issues experienced by users on Chrome and IE when "Wrap Text" is enabled in Code Magic. Unchecking option seems to resolve issue. http://www.forum.joshlobe.com/showthread.php?tid=1646

To have the CM editor open with option unchecked by default, chance following line/code: /codemagic/js/codemajic.js, line 6: wraptext_active: true to wraptext_active: false

This does not disable the logic, just sets default check state to unchecked.

JuneSites commented 10 years ago

Text is still not wrapping. if you have anything within tags, it will not wrap. you have to scroll horizontally for like a mile to see all the text. is there a working solution?

ignaciogros commented 9 years ago

Did you solve that? I have the same problem... As "rainbowtiger" says: "The lines are wrapped, but you can't select text".
