tinymce / tinymce-angular

Official TinyMCE Angular Component
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Tinymce with angular 17 - Not working as expected with autocompleter #387

Open aggi-labs opened 1 month ago

aggi-labs commented 1 month ago

I am using angular 17 with tinymce/tinymce-angular - 8 with self hosted tinymce with package manager Here is my html code

    modelEvents="change input nodechange undo redo"
      selector: 'textarea',
      height: 250,
      plugins: 'lists link image table code help wordcount save visualblocks',
        'undo redo | blocks | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | help | customStrikethrough',
      setup: handleSetup,
      content_style: 'body{margin:0} p {margin: 0px; border:0px ; padding: 8px 10px;font-size:12px}'


  handleSetup(editor: any) {
    const specialChars = [
        { text: 'exclamation mark', value: '!' },
          { text: 'at', value: '@' },
          { text: 'hash', value: '#' },
          { text: 'dollars', value: '$' },
          { text: 'percent sign', value: '%' },
          { text: 'caret', value: '^' },
          { text: 'ampersand', value: '&' },
          { text: 'asterisk', value: '*' }
    const getMatchedChars = (pattern: string) => {
      return mentions.filter((char) => char.text.includes(pattern));
    const onAction = (autocompleteApi: any, rng: unknown, value: string) => {
    editor.ui.registry.addAutocompleter('specialchars_cardmenuitems', {
      trigger: '-',
      minChars: 1,
      columns: 1,
      highlightOn: ['char_name'],
      onAction: onAction,
       * @description Once the trigger character is matched.
       * @param pattern String typed.
       * @returns Promise.
      fetch: (pattern: string) => {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
          const results = getMatchedChars(pattern).map((char) => ({
            type: 'cardmenuitem',
            value: char.value,
            label: char.text,
            items: [
                type: 'cardcontainer',
                direction: 'vertical',
                items: [
                    type: 'cardtext',
                    text: char.text,
                    name: 'char_name'
                    type: 'cardtext',
                    text: char.value

I am not seeing the suggestion popup in the editor. Am I doing any wrong here? Kindly help with suggestions. Thanks in advance

jdupont22 commented 1 month ago

Same issue here

shanmen-tiny commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @aggi-labs,

    const getMatchedChars = (pattern: string) => {
      return mentions.filter((char) => char.text.includes(pattern));

Do you mean to use specialChars instead of mentions? The getMatchedChars is returning an empty array, so the autocompleter is not showing. I've put it up in a Codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/charming-engelbart-d7s3jj?file=%2Fsrc%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.ts%3A21%2C36.

Let me know if you have any issues.