tinymce / tinymce-react

Offical TinyMCE React component
MIT License
937 stars 152 forks source link

I found a bug while trying to use the Merge Tags feature in "codepen" #533

Closed a20000110 closed 4 weeks ago

a20000110 commented 4 weeks ago

tinymce.init({ selector: "textarea#mergetags", plugins: "powerpaste a11ychecker linkchecker wordcount table advtable editimage autosave advlist anchor advcode image link lists media mediaembed searchreplace visualblocks mergetags", toolbar: "mergetags | undo redo | styles | bold italic underline | link | align bullist numlist", mergetags_prefix: "{{", mergetags_suffix: "}}", mergetags_list: [ { "title": "页脚优惠券", "menu": [ { "value": "you_email", "title": "对方邮箱" }, { "value": "my_email", "title": "我的邮箱" }, { "value": "coupon_code", "title": "优惠券代码" }, { "value": "coupon_amount", "title": "优惠券金额" } ] }, { "title": "用户下单", "menu": [ { "value": "id", "title": "订单id" }, { "value": "currency", "title": "货币文字形式" }, { "value": "currency_symbol", "title": "货币符号" }, { "value": "status", "title": "订单状态" }, { "value": "date_created", "title": "订单创建时间" }, { "value": "discount_total", "title": "折扣总额" }, { "value": "discount_tax", "title": "折扣税" }, { "value": "prices_include_tax", "title": "价格是否含税" }, { "value": "prices_include_tax", "title": "价格是否含税" }, { "value": "shipping_total", "title": "配送费总额" }, { "value": "shipping_tax", "title": "配送费税" }, { "value": "cart_tax", "title": "购物车税" }, { "value": "total", "title": "订单总额" }, { "value": "total_tax", "title": "订单总税额" }, { "value": "payment_method_title", "title": "付款方式标题" }, { "value": "transaction_id", "title": "交易id" }, { "value": "date_completed", "title": "订单完成时间" }, { "value": "date_paid", "title": "订单支付时间" }, { "value": "number", "title": "订单号" }, { "value": "meta_data.value.orderNumber", "title": "物流单号" }, { "value": "meta_data.value.companyLink", "title": "物流查询链接" }, { "value": "billing.email", "title": "顾客邮箱" }, { "value": "shipping.phone", "title": "顾客手机号" }, { "value": "shipping.first_name", "title": "顾客姓" }, { "value": "shipping.last_name", "title": "顾客名字" }, { "value": "shipping.company", "title": "顾客公司" }, { "value": "shipping.address_1", "title": "顾客地址1" }, { "value": "shipping.address_2", "title": "顾客地址2" }, { "value": "shipping.city", "title": "顾客城市" }, { "value": "shipping.state", "title": "顾客州或省份" }, { "value": "shipping.postcode", "title": "顾客邮编" }, { "value": "shipping.country", "title": "顾客城市" }, { "value": "shipping_lines.method_title", "title": "配送方式标题" }, { "value": "shipping_lines.total", "title": "配送方式价格" }, { "value": "shipping_lines.total_tax", "title": "配送方式总税" }, { "value": "line_items.list", "title": "产品列表" } ] }, { "title": "用户注册", "menu": [ { "value": "user_name", "title": "用户名称" }, { "value": "user_email", "title": "用户邮箱" }, { "value": "my_email", "title": "我的邮箱" }, { "value": "date_created", "title": "注册时间" }, { "value": "coupon_code", "title": "优惠券代码" }, { "value": "coupon_amount", "title": "优惠券金额" } ] } ] });

When I use these configuration items, I am unable to access the last item in the tags tinywow_de7ea44fc9cb27a06550133c9679d284_57546816