tinyproxy / tinyproxy

tinyproxy - a light-weight HTTP/HTTPS proxy daemon for POSIX operating systems
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Tinyproxy Cronjobon ec2 instance not working #509

Open DivyaPadakandla opened 9 months ago

DivyaPadakandla commented 9 months ago

Tinyproxy version tinyproxy 1.11.1


my tiny proxy restarts when using the command "service Tinyproxy restart" We are using it on an EC2 instance. I am facing an issue with the tiny proxy that even though it is running I see the connection establish failed message comes when we do a curl from Kubernetes pods. The connection gets established for a while when we restart proxy and the same issue of connection establish failed comes up after sometime. I have created a crontab to restart tinyproxy every 10 mins even though we have a cron job it doesn't restart tinyproxy and I Manually restart it. I have included killall tiny proxy and that command seems to work fine. tinyproxy -version tinyproxy 1.11.1

once after doing ssm to ec2 instance I do "sudo su - " to restart tiny proxy

sudo crontab -e /30 killall tinyproxy /10 /bin/systemctl restart tinyproxy.service ~

can you please help me setup the tiny proxy restart through cronjob.

rofl0r commented 9 months ago

first of all, continuously restarting tinyproxy like you do is but a workaround for a bug - either in tinyproxy itself, or in the configuration of your server (maybe some low file descriptor limit, kernel bug, etc). so it's highly preferable to find and fix the real issue and just keep tinyproxy running. but if you can't be bothered, and really want to do this via a cronjob, then you should just restart the systemd service, without the manual "killall". if the restart command doesn't work as expected, then the systemd service script is bogus. you should set it up as simple service, without pid files and log files, using foreground mode and logging to stdout as described in the "quickstart" section of the tinyproxy homepage.

DivyaPadakandla commented 7 months ago

Can you help me with "quickstart" section of the tinyproxy homepage. I am not able to find it.

rofl0r commented 7 months ago