tinyproxy / tinyproxy

tinyproxy - a light-weight HTTP/HTTPS proxy daemon for POSIX operating systems
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Tinyproxy log rotation and log formatting. Issue with logs in CloudWatch #522

Open DDemoNZ opened 6 months ago

DDemoNZ commented 6 months ago

Tinyproxy version

tinyproxy 1.11.1


There are several issues when enabling interactions with CloudWatch and related things.

  1. Does Tinyproxy have a log rotation? Are there inbuilt ways to configure a log rotation policy for Tinyproxy?
  2. Is there any way to change the formatting of the log? Right now it is logged to a file and looks like this tinyproxy_logs_view But when it goes into CloudWatch, it changes to something like this logs_from_cloud_watch The messages are merged into one big one. Does Tinyproxy have any ways to change the log message pattern or something like that?
rofl0r commented 6 months ago

tinyproxy has 3 ways of logging: via syslog, logfile, or stdout/stderr. rotation is 3rd party. the most portable option is to use stdout logging, so the supervising process (e.g. systemd or runit, etc) can directly distribute the log output as it sees fit.