tinyproxy / tinyproxy

tinyproxy - a light-weight HTTP/HTTPS proxy daemon for POSIX operating systems
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Masking the Presence of an IP Proxy from the Browser (https://ipfighter.com/) #529

Open Zinkal10 opened 3 months ago

Zinkal10 commented 3 months ago

We are working on Masking the Presence of an IP Proxy from the Browser. Specifically, we configured the test Tinyproxy and modified some of its parameters such as DisableViaHeader , ViaProxyName , AddHeader and ConnectPortin the proxy configuration. However, We still receive the proxy attribute as yes. In testing the outgoing requests, we did not notice anything out of the ordinary in the headers returned. We have also checked the official documentation for tinyproxy , we did not found any specific parameter/configuration to mask the proxy info. This is the docker image we are using FROM vimagick/tinyproxy

rofl0r commented 3 months ago

i don't know how they derive the proxy attribute, i suspect they check the IP range with databases of Server ISPs vs home-user ISPs. maybe you should contact that site to specify in detail how their proxy detection works when no proxy specific headers are submitted.