tinytronix / LoRa

An Arduino Library for direct (peer-2-peer) LoRa data communication from device to device without the need of LoRaWAN internet connection. Developed for home automation purpose.
MIT License
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Is a SX1262 for Raspberry Pi supported #3

Closed Fux2 closed 3 years ago

Fux2 commented 3 years ago

Hi, do you know, if this lib is also working on a Raspberry Pi with a SX1262? I want to use this board https://de.aliexpress.com/item/4001081597962.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.47633c00vIzk55&mp=1 for peer 2 peer communication.

As sensor nodes I want to use attnode (www.attno.de). Can all usual LORA sensors (like attnode) be received by your library (when equal frequency of course)?


PS: Impressing work!

tinytronix commented 3 years ago

Your preferred board uses UART communication. My library uses the SPI interface of the SX126x chip. You cannot use my lib with your board. Also you cannot use the sensors. They are LoraWAN, not peer 2 peer! Lora is the wireless communication protocol. LoraWAN is a infrastructure on top of it.