DAMO-YOLO: a fast and accurate object detection method with some new techs, including NAS backbones, efficient RepGFPN, ZeroHead, AlignedOTA, and distillation enhancement.
[X] I have read the README carefully. 我已经仔细阅读了README上的操作指引。
[X] I want to train my custom dataset, and I have read the tutorials for finetune on your data carefully and organize my dataset correctly; 我想训练自定义数据集,我已经仔细阅读了训练自定义数据的教程,以及按照正确的目录结构存放数据集。
[X] I have pulled the latest code of main branch to run again and the problem still existed. 我已经拉取了主分支上最新的代码,重新运行之后,问题仍不能解决。
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[X] I have searched the DAMO-YOLO issues and found no similar questions.
I am trying to convert my custom object detection model built on Damo-yolo with 4 classes into Coreml to run on my swift application and wanted to know what my output means.
Shape of Both "var_1262" and "var_1298" are of ([1,8400,4]) and ([1,8400,4]) respectively. I wanted to know what these ouputs meant and how I can add an NMS layer to this current model so as to make prediction on my IOS device.
I referred the onnx conversion code to convert my .pth model into coreml using coremltools and the code is as follows.
import torch
import coremltools as ct
from torch import nn
from loguru import logger
from damo.base_models.core.end2end import End2End
from damo.base_models.core.ops import RepConv, SiLU
from damo.config.base import parse_config
from damo.detectors.detector import build_local_model
from damo.utils.model_utils import get_model_info, replace_module
device = torch.device('cpu')
config_file = "./configs/damoyoloT.py"
config = parse_config(config_file)
# build model
model = build_local_model(config, device)
ckpt_file = "./latest_ckpt.pth"
# load model paramerters
ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_file, map_location=device)
if 'model' in ckpt:
ckpt = ckpt['model']
model.load_state_dict(ckpt, strict=True)
logger.info(f'loading checkpoint from {ckpt_file}.')
model = replace_module(model, nn.SiLU, SiLU)
for layer in model.modules():
if isinstance(layer, RepConv):
info = get_model_info(model, (640, 640))
model.head.nms = False
inputs = torch.randn(1,3,640,640)
traced_model = torch.jit.trace(model,inputs)
input_image = ct.ImageType(name='inputs', shape=(1,3,640,640),scale=1/255,
coreml_model = ct.convert(traced_model, inputs=[input_image])
Before Asking
[X] I have read the README carefully. 我已经仔细阅读了README上的操作指引。
[X] I want to train my custom dataset, and I have read the tutorials for finetune on your data carefully and organize my dataset correctly; 我想训练自定义数据集,我已经仔细阅读了训练自定义数据的教程,以及按照正确的目录结构存放数据集。
[X] I have pulled the latest code of main branch to run again and the problem still existed. 我已经拉取了主分支上最新的代码,重新运行之后,问题仍不能解决。
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I am trying to convert my custom object detection model built on Damo-yolo with 4 classes into Coreml to run on my swift application and wanted to know what my output means.
Shape of Both "var_1262" and "var_1298" are of ([1,8400,4]) and ([1,8400,4]) respectively. I wanted to know what these ouputs meant and how I can add an NMS layer to this current model so as to make prediction on my IOS device.
I referred the onnx conversion code to convert my .pth model into coreml using coremltools and the code is as follows.
Thanks for the answer.
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