tinywrkb / flatpaks

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added support for Joplin v1.4.19 #1

Closed peterwilli closed 3 years ago

peterwilli commented 3 years ago

I don't know why but simply linking to the other AppImage wasn't enough, I got this error that the joplin-binary wasn't found. After some fiddling around (and getting to know Flatpak myself) I managed to fix it.

tinywrkb commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the PR, I closed this with a62359e74d1138b0c69829396f2f5ca3c4c8fe25.

Note that I'm not really maintaining most of the packages here. Except for a very few, I'm not even using these.
The main reason I packaged these here is as a PoC, and this due to the fact I'm in the process of converting to an OS with a clear separation between stateless distributed system resources vs the local stateful config and data. Being able to decouple apps from the stateless read-only system adds flexibility and freedom in such a setup.

If you're using the Joplin app and know what you're doing or willing to learn then I highly recommend you to consider send a PR to Flathub and maintain it.
I'm not using Joplin at all, I'm not very fond of the UI, I find it annoying especially on my iPad, and there's no sync via Google Drive so it's basically useless for me.

peterwilli commented 3 years ago

Hi @tinywrkb!

Thanks. May I ask what you use right now as alternative of Joplin? I moved from Carnet to Joplin as the Carnet apps are really buggy for me (I randomly lose notes, and some notes aren't appearing in synced machines).

Also, what new system are you moving to? I moved from NixOS to GoDarch to Silverblue basically.


Re maintaining Joplin, I'll think about it. I'm usually not good with maintaining projects for a long period of time as I lose interest quickly and move on to something new (Just as I moved from NixOS and GoDarch)

tinywrkb commented 3 years ago

I don't have a single multi-platform solution, I'm still looking.
For the time being, on my computer, I'm using NeoVim with a markdown plugin and sync the files to Google Drive with Insync. There are a bunch of markdown editors that I used in the past but I always turn back to NeoVim.
On my other devices, I haven't found anything that I'm happy with and I don't really need that feature ATM, so no markdown on other devices, just the usual Google Keep & Calendar, Notability/GoodNotes with handwriting to PDF export to Google Drive, and trying Notion a little bit now.

The system I'm moving to is based on Arch Linux but with a few twists.
Basically, is only distributing /usr and /boot using read-only Btrfs snapshots with incremental updates that are btrfs send dumps.
Nothing else is packaged/distributed.
/var is created via tmpfiles.d, /etc is a symlink to /usr/etc and from there you have symlinks to /var/etc for the system-specific configs or /usr/etc/compat for hardcoded distro/vendor configs.
/home/ is actually /var/home and everything else that is stateful is under /var which can be wiped to return to a clean vendor distributed system.
There are a bunch of other things I'm doing building on the above, and I might consider switching to Gentoo and/or OSTree, but the basic idea is the same.

There're a lot of advantages to such a setup, to name a few:

The main disadvantage is that there's no support for measurements, IIUC even the WIP Authenticated Btrfs is for full filesystem measurement so it won't work for me, so no "real" secure boot, meaning no measured boot that also measure the system and not only the bootloader+kernel like all those "secure boot" guides users post.

Right now this handcrafted but I working on some scripts to automate the whole thing.