tionis / patchwork

A simple communication backend based on patchbay.pub's ideas with authentication
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Initial Implementation #1

Open tionis opened 4 weeks ago

tionis commented 4 weeks ago

Should also extend patchbay: e.g. listen to prefixes etc

tionis commented 3 weeks ago


tionis commented 2 weeks ago

ssh-key based mode will not use signed requests, instead I'll use an ssh-signature to sign a kind of jwt. This jwt will encode:

tionis commented 2 weeks ago

Also embed huproxy?

tionis commented 2 weeks ago

Policies for development:

Options that can be specified when pushing data:

Idea for path handling:

tionis commented 2 weeks ago

Should operations be embedded in URL?

tionis commented 2 weeks ago

Idea: also add a special websocket/server-sent-events mode on /ssh/${KEY} and /gh/${USERNAME/ORG} that allows to specify a pattern list of paths to listen to.

tionis commented 2 weeks ago


  1. write ssh-jwt prototype 1.1 write pattern list parser 1.2 write canonical json encoder
    1.3 write ssh signer
  2. write ram kv-cache with TTL
  3. write server handling
  4. build internal tracking for advanced mode
  5. combine components for finished prototype
  6. add github auth using ssh-keys
  7. add github auth using personal access tokens and JWTs
  8. think about advanced features (ssh-certs, more complex data structures, later maybe stateful things)