tiper / MaterialSpinner

Implementation of a Material Spinner for Android with TextInputLayout functionalities
Apache License 2.0
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Not saving state on rotating screen #9

Closed encore121 closed 4 years ago

encore121 commented 4 years ago

First of all thanx for the greate control.

When the screen is rotating the control not save the data

tiper commented 4 years ago

Hi @encore121 when you rotate a device the activity or fragment will be recreated. It's is good practice that the developer handles such situations. Please take a look at onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState callbacks.

For a more in depth understanding I would also recommend taking a look at the Android lifecycle documentation

encore121 commented 4 years ago

Sure but the default spinner handle this by default only with his ID. But thanx any way.

tiper commented 4 years ago

Hi @encore121 seems I have misinterpreted the issue.

I'm reopening the issue until I properly fix it.

tiper commented 4 years ago

Hi @encore121 I just released version 1.3.3 that should fix the issue. Please try it out and let me known if you still have any issues.

encore121 commented 4 years ago

Hi @tiper sorry for the late in the answer. I try the version 1.3.3 and works equals the default spinner


tiper commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback.
