tiredofit / docker-freepbx

Dockerized FreePBX 15 w/Asterisk 17, Seperate MySQL Database support, and Data Persistence and UCP
MIT License
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15-latest? #153

Open ptruman opened 4 years ago

ptruman commented 4 years ago

This may be me/docker being out of step - but I've pulled "15-latest" and SMTP shows "FALSE" (not "true" per your changelog/updates?)

If I enable SMTP I get /run related permission errors.

Is the image due to be updated or do I have a separate problem?

tiredofit commented 4 years ago

Docker Hub has been quite the challenging service in the past few weeks - I will have it refresh the images and let's see what happens, otherwise I will build one locally and upload for you.

ptruman commented 4 years ago

Ok - I'll keep my eyes open. Did you see my other item on voicemail not playing? (I genuinely can't see why!) I've now got this image running on a macvlan IP, talking to a Cisco ATA - and had fun getting PJSIP to behave to it but it's all working bar voicemail and email :) - sterling job.

tiredofit commented 4 years ago

I've had a few issues with voicemails in the past, and it was related to the audio codec/audio format of the sound file. Asterisk should transcode on the fly to your codec, but I've also been in a few situations where it has failed. Are the logs saying anything when the sound file is being played? That would be my first guess. I have to be honest, I'm not running this image anymore and moved my organization to 3cx as it had a much friendlier web UI for the users (we're a remote shop). I can try to recreate what you are doing to see if I can trace it out over the next days.

PS - I've just pushed manually a new version of tiredofit/freepbx:15-latest - This should skip any of the Docker Hub quirks we've been seeing for the past 3 weeks.

ptruman commented 4 years ago

It's not even getting to voicemail - if I dial 97 it fails with the app not found. If I dial 98, it will start comedian mail and ask for a mailbox. The minute I provide an extension, it will fail.

Voicemail is enabled for the extensions , I've even tried creating the folders for it in case the image wasn't creating it. I can provide logs if you'd like to suggest a debug/verbose level?

ptruman commented 4 years ago

Also, the new image pulled, but now won't start with existing settings: Any clues from the blow?

ptruman commented 4 years ago

(FYI this was a "recreate" within portainer) I CAN shell in and start asterisk/apache2 but the website won't load.

ptruman commented 4 years ago

Reverted to prior image (portainer kept my settings)

tiredofit commented 4 years ago

Oh boy, yes there is a definite problem there. Let's stay at your previous still I can sort this out. It's reading from both the old and new image format which is not what we want. I must have missed something in my image builds.

tiredofit commented 4 years ago

Can I quickly get you to test :15 or :latest ? Those are the Docker Hub builds.

tiredofit commented 4 years ago

I'm rebuilding from Docker hub 15-latest. Looks like my Nodejs image on my system was out of wack which caused some panic there, and to that I apologize.

WRT to your voicemail issue, 4 asterisk -rxxxx should do :)

ptruman commented 4 years ago

Sorry, been out all day - I'm just "exporting" the working image so I can re-import it if it goes belly up later. Should be able to test something in a while if you want to confirm which tag?

I'll post a log re: voicemail shortly.

tiredofit commented 4 years ago

No worries. If you have command line access to Docker you can just tag it locally as well. Just docker images |grep freepbx, find the image in question and docker tag (imageid) yournewimagename . I'll be back at this tomorrow morning as is a holiday where I am at.

ptruman commented 4 years ago

I've got a 1.9GB image export now :)

Log pasted up on Pastebin : https://pastebin.com/PAYRvmwA

I have added some 'highlights' you can search for by searching for 10 asterisks (**) - which shows the start of the 98 and 97 logins, as well as DTMF

The extensions.conf etc are "from the image" as is.

tiredofit commented 4 years ago

Thanks for that, monster log file! Unfortunately I'm not seeing anything jump out as to why. I just did a manual build of the image to make sure that nothing was missed in terms of voicemail. My next step tomorrow will be to try to replicate what you have in place and then to see if I can recreate. No application 'VoiceMailMain' for extension is interesting. What this may turn out to be is a Freepbx upstream issue which has been known to happen many times.

Is it updating your voicemail.conf file when changing settings and applying them?

ptruman commented 4 years ago

voicemail.conf has both extensions I have configured at the end in the [default] section as well as [pbxaliases] The 97 and 98 extensions appear in extensions_additional.conf also The main module (app_voicemail.so) is loaded too.

tiredofit commented 4 years ago

Thanks for verifying. Will need a bit to get a test environment setup to try to recreate

ptruman commented 4 years ago

Happy to share setup. (I basically have two extensions - one is a Cisco SPA502G (6000) and the other is a SPA302D (DECT station) with a couple of handsets, but all logged into the same ext (6002) - 4 VoIP trunks and one ATA trunk (on the SPA302).

Barring setting them up and switching voicemail on at creation, nothing funky other than some PJSIP tweaks to get NAT to work when FreePBX is on a docker image with macvlan (else you get "CONTACT" SIP header issues). But Voicemail wasn't working before I figured out how to get around the macvlan issue.