tirolerstefan / kaifa

Read out Kaifa smart meter
MIT License
25 stars 14 forks source link

EVN Sagemcom #8

Open rufinus opened 2 years ago

rufinus commented 2 years ago

Hi, i tried to adapt your skript for the output of the sagemcom t210 smartmeter. it basicly the same as with the kaifa. see the document of EVN link in

i overwritten the EVN config with my values:

    name = "EVN"
    frame2_start_bytes_hex = '680D0D68'
    frame2_start_bytes = b'\x68\x0D\x0D\x68'
    frame1_start_bytes_hex = '68010168'
    frame1_start_bytes = b'\x68\x01\x01\x68'
    ic_start_byte = 23
    enc_data_start_byte = 27

Here some example Payloads:



Debug Log Result:

2021-12-05 08:23:38,197 [DEBUG]:  pos: 0 | -1 | -1
2021-12-05 08:23:38,198 [DEBUG]:  b'6801016853ff000167db085341475905e8b4cb81f820001e9328675bf3c8f83d0be0160b7e246e2c751f72c17b84698d46a186d684d49163198e5d1a2b1470246f2858aff85e21ee2bf6abe224f9243b98c8ca4f46008cd83a2b4cbeb84d0ef4ed900a'
2021-12-05 08:23:43,245 [DEBUG]:  pos: 0 | 263 | 282
2021-12-05 08:23:43,246 [DEBUG]:  b'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'
2021-12-05 08:23:43,250 [DEBUG]:  b'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'
2021-12-05 08:23:43,250 [DEBUG]:  [b'h\x01\x01h', b'S\xff\x00\x01g\xdb\x08SAGY\x05\xe8\xb4\xcb\x81\xf8 \x00\x1e\x93(g[\xf3\xc8\xf8=\x0b\xe0\x16\x0b~$n,u\x1fr\xc1{\x84i\x8dF\xa1\x86\xd6\x84\xd4\x91c\x19\x8e]\x1a+\x14p$o(X\xaf\xf8^!\xee+\xf6\xab\xe2$\xf9$;\x98\xc8\xcaOF\x00\x8c\xd8:+L\xbe\xb8M\x0e\xf4\xed\x90\n\xe1\x86sM\xcf\x86Y\x1d\xe5\xf5\x05l)\xe8Z\xe8\xa0e&\x97\xb1\xe0+d\x8f\x8e\xaa\xd6\xbf\x92\x90\x1f|A\xc1\x85Vn\xea\x83\xb0b\x88\xd5\x84\x05\xe3r\xd0U\xb61\x96\xa5Zv\xcb\xd3\x92\x10i!\xd7`\x1a\x9a%\x9fB\xa1j`\xd7\xbb\xa3\xacq\x13+}\xeb\xfaNMX\\ O\x7fbgm\x07~(A\x8do\xb4\x11\x96u\xfd|\xc5\tT\xcb\xa0\xb26\xcc&%Q\x9f^\xaam\x11!_hq(\x1d\x99\xaf\xe3D\x9a\xaf\xe5wjo*l\xe1M[M\x96\xfbq\xfb\x1aZj\xce\xc4\xa0\x95&\x10\xdc\x05\xac\\a\x12/\xf3\x16', b'h\r\rh', b'S\xff\x11\x01g\xb4\xf8\x0c@\xedAj3\x8e\x16', b'h\x01\x01h', b"S\xff\x00\x01g\xdb\x08SAGY\x05\xe8\xb4\xcb\x81\xf8 \x00\x1e\x93)I\x96\xf5\xaaWH3\xc2\xb5\xb4\xf1\xb8\x01DRtNZ\xc1\x97\xf2\xad\xfd\xbc\x08j\xc0\x039G'\xa7\xc5\x95\xdc\x9a\xc9\x125\xbb\xce\xa5\xae\xd8\xd1\x8f\xc7\x17B:@g\x07\xc2\x1d F\xc6\xb2Ac\xbfw\x80\xaa?\xf2\xfb\xee\xdc%\xd0FQ\xc5yG\xfd\x1fL\x02w\n"]
2021-12-05 08:23:43,251 [DEBUG]:  TELEGRAM1:

2021-12-05 08:23:43,251 [DEBUG]:  TELEGRAM2:

2021-12-05 08:23:43,252 [DEBUG]:  Decrypt: FRAME1:
2021-12-05 08:23:43,252 [DEBUG]:  Decrypt: FRAME2:
2021-12-05 08:23:43,253 [DEBUG]:  SYSTITLE: b'5341475905e8b4cb'
2021-12-05 08:23:43,253 [DEBUG]:  IC: b'1e932867' / 512960615
2021-12-05 08:23:43,253 [DEBUG]:  IV: b'5341475905e8b4cb1e932867'
2021-12-05 08:23:43,254 [DEBUG]:  DATA FRAME1
2021-12-05 08:23:43,254 [DEBUG]:  DATA FRAME1
2021-12-05 08:23:43,265 [DEBUG]:  b'754341c10f016bf5d46000b6cdfca6898450d3fd67225fc5e656eb76518c907c1a05c5498135b8427217792cc91eeb97c5b4d0881e51a486f06c4b9f17c0ed9442ce701053635a518082ecca16b28bbdd6f8e9e209125a133c62bed28af47308f757982bd3f2e5f74d1765ae02ec8f5e31aaa7c11158fe29badb46deddcd63bc929785590af846172b0a746cdbf9e7c7da7de9fdfac0d0b96dd59ab25b97a2b783897fa7b73cb1485787d6c16c2cdb3222071ff3c4260328f0f51cb22f4a4fc53f038c40d1896305278ebaf255a942a97a5e9fc439ab972ebe4a7b1f8144d5032b01fc97ffcdc44577807d19169ddfd63d93'
2021-12-05 08:23:43,266 [INFO]:  1.8.0: None
2021-12-05 08:23:43,266 [INFO]:  2.8.0: None
2021-12-05 08:23:43,266 [ERROR]:  Error writing to file /var/run/kaifareader/kaifa.txt: unsupported format string passed to NoneType.__format__
2021-12-05 08:23:43,267 [ERROR]:  Could not export data

It would be very very great if you could help me get the sagemcom to work too. I spend weeks and months on this - and i think you are so close to solve this :)

Thanks in advance

tirolerstefan commented 2 years ago

You really have two smart meters in Lower Austria!? Sagemcom and Kaifa?? And the best - they both use different telegram frames? Why are there two smart meters which are apparently doing the same?

I'm really sorry, but I need instructions to decode the frames. An description where I can find the bytes for decryption as in your example it seems to be wrong.

But maybe you find help here:

rufinus commented 2 years ago

Shouldn't the second part of the IV be the Frame counter? if so ìc_start_byte` would be 22 but still nothing.

tirolerstefan commented 2 years ago

Feel free, use the script and try. If you are successful, we can integrate this.

rufinus commented 2 years ago

i read this all..

and yes it is so. the only info i have is

the payload example unfortunatly is only for the kaifa.

what do you need to help me ? Honestly i will pay you i just want this thing to work.

tirolerstefan commented 2 years ago

Thanks, but this is open source, free software, I just do this for fun, not for money :). But write your example to this gurufx forum, I'm sure, you'll get help, soon!

rufinus commented 2 years ago

Doesnt mean i can't buy you a coffee :)

i got one step further..


With this payload i can add the data in the epu decrypter: image

the result is


i can add this result into

and get

  <LongInvokeIdAndPriority Value="802232D4" />
  <!--2021-12-05 09:57:40-->
  <DateTime Value="07E50C050709392800FFC402" />
      <Structure Qty="23" >
        <!--2021-12-05 09:57:40-->
        <OctetString Value="07E50C050709392800FFC402" />
        <OctetString Value="0100010800FF" />
        <UInt32 Value="0051737C" />
        <Structure Qty="02" >
          <Int8 Value="00" />
          <Enum Value="1E" />
        <OctetString Value="0100020800FF" />
        <UInt32 Value="005560CC" />
        <Structure Qty="02" >
          <Int8 Value="00" />
          <Enum Value="1E" />
        <OctetString Value="0100010700FF" />
        <UInt32 Value="000005C3" />
        <Structure Qty="02" >
          <Int8 Value="00" />
          <Enum Value="1B" />
        <OctetString Value="0100020700FF" />
        <UInt32 Value="00000000" />
        <Structure Qty="02" >
          <Int8 Value="00" />
          <Enum Value="1B" />
        <OctetString Value="0100200700FF" />
        <UInt16 Value="0926" />
        <Structure Qty="02" >
          <Int8 Value="FF" />
          <Enum Value="23" />
        <OctetString Value="0100340700FF" />
        <UInt16 Value="0926" />
        <Structure Qty="02" >
          <Int8 Value="FF" />
          <Enum Value="23" />
        <OctetString Value="0100480700FF" />
        <UInt16 Value="0930" />
        <Structure Qty="02" >
          <Int8 Value="FF" />
          <Enum Value="23" />
        <OctetString Value="01001F0700FF" />
        <UInt16 Value="00F5" />
        <Structure Qty="02" >
          <Int8 Value="FE" />
          <Enum Value="21" />
        <OctetString Value="0100330700FF" />
        <UInt16 Value="01EF" />
        <Structure Qty="02" >
          <Int8 Value="FE" />
          <Enum Value="21" />
        <OctetString Value="0100470700FF" />
        <UInt16 Value="007D" />
        <Structure Qty="02" >
          <Int8 Value="FE" />
          <Enum Value="21" />
        <OctetString Value="01000D0700FF" />
        <Int16 Value="0329" />
        <Structure Qty="02" >
          <Int8 Value="FD" />
          <Enum Value="FF" />
        <OctetString Value="31373832EA646A5A40E48C69" />

Do you have any pointers what i may have to set in your script to get them to decrypt? (the DLSM parsing will be the next challange - EVN will most likly have different UID) TIA

tirolerstefan commented 2 years ago

But this looks like you could decrypt it: 9060100 01 08 00 ff060051737c020... -> 1.8.0!

rufinus commented 2 years ago

yeah but something isnt right (i guess in the IC or IV settings/values). The script stills cant find any data.

2021-12-05 09:43:28,028 [DEBUG]:  SYSTITLE: b'5341475905e8b4cb'
2021-12-05 09:43:28,028 [DEBUG]:  IC: b'001e96e5' / 2004709
2021-12-05 09:43:28,029 [DEBUG]:  IV: b'5341475905e8b4cb001e96e5'
2021-12-05 09:43:28,041 [INFO]:  1.8.0: None
2021-12-05 09:43:28,042 [INFO]:  2.8.0: None

it seems as if the message boundaries are not right for decrypting. i tried to manual (like above) decrypt it - and this didnt work - it worked only this one time - as i had the correct telegrams per pure luck.

rufinus commented 2 years ago

if you look at the string from - (the only working one) - i have start bytes of frame1 and 2 twice.

    frame2_start_bytes_hex = '680D0D68'
    frame2_start_bytes = b'\x68\x0D\x0D\x68'
    frame1_start_bytes_hex = '68010168'
    frame1_start_bytes = b'\x68\x01\x01\x68'

i think this might be the problem . if they are present only one time - its not a complete telegram for decryption

tirolerstefan commented 2 years ago

I've taken a look at the stream. The systitle seems to be ok, because it's the same value as in the translator (5341475905e8b4cb). But I can't explain the frame counter value of 001e96e5, because I can't find this anywhere in the stream.

68 01 01 68   53 ff 00 01 67 db 08   53 41 47 59 05 e8 b4 cb
0. 1. 2. 3.   4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.  11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

81 f8 20   00 1e 94 c0
19 20 21.  22 23 24 25

In your example, the 00 1e 94 c0 is at byte 22-25 as configured for supplier "EVN".

Did you use EVN as supplier in your meter.json? And did you adapt the code as follows:

class SupplierEVN(Supplier):
    name = "EVN"
    frame1_start_bytes_hex = '68010168'
    frame1_start_bytes = b'\x68\x01\x01\x68'
    frame2_start_bytes_hex = '680D0D68'
    frame2_start_bytes = b'\x68\x0D\x0D\x68'
    ic_start_byte = 22
    enc_data_start_byte = 26
rufinus commented 2 years ago

yes of course. the main problem it seems is there is not a second telegram. i have a proof of concept code

this at least leads to valid decrypted APU's i can convert to xml via (i just skip part messages and only take whole messages. this is more than enough. i dont need more then 1 valid package per minute). I also tried to send the decrypted APU via socat to dsrm_parser (running in my home assistant) - in the same way dsrm_proxy does it - this seems not to work yet. dont know why.

tirolerstefan commented 2 years ago

I would like to play with your data, but would it be possible to get your full key somehow? As it seems I just need the last two digits.

rufinus commented 2 years ago

sure. drop me a mail at i send you key and example payloads

kitzler-walli commented 2 years ago

Did you ever solve this? I'm currently trying to get the Sagemcom running for a friend of mine.