tischi / table-utils

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outlier detection: mahalanobis distance #3

Open tischi opened 5 years ago

tischi commented 5 years ago

implement a mahalanobis distance based outlier detection

imagejan commented 5 years ago

Would be nice to have this as an op in a common imagej scijava component, no?

tischi commented 5 years ago

yeeees, actually I am really wondering how much data analysis I (we) want to implement in Java. In the end it might never be enough and we are re-implementing R in Java, which would be awesome ;-) For now, I decided to not add any more data analysis features. Maybe makes sense to rather work on better integration of R or python to do such computations?

imagejan commented 5 years ago

Hm, yeah, or simply use Knime... ;-)

tischi commented 5 years ago

yes, that's also true.

tischi commented 5 years ago

@stelfrich I wonder: KNIME is kind of Java based, or? If they manage to integrate R, could ImageJ manage as well?

imagejan commented 5 years ago

Yes, KNIME runs on Java.

There is an ImageJ-R integration already, albeit with limited functionality, because it's using Renjin: https://github.com/scijava/scripting-renjin

If you want to make full use of R from ImageJ, it might be worth having a look at Bio7.

Also: what's your use case for R integration into ImageJ? Why can't you simply use KNIME in this case?

tischi commented 5 years ago

use case: working on big image data