tisfeng / Raycast-Easydict

A Raycast Extension for looking up words or translating text in an easy way. Support 48+ languages, support Linguee and Youdao dictionary, support OpenAI, DeepL, Google, Bing, Apple, Baidu, Tencent, Volcano, Youdao and Caiyun translation.
MIT License
411 stars 23 forks source link

🐞 Bug Report: 通过 Arguments 传入的参数丢失了 #62

Closed HADB closed 3 months ago

HADB commented 4 months ago

Please confirm the following:

Problem description

直接在 command 页面翻译没问题,但是在首屏通过 Arguments 参数搜索进入 command 页面的时候,搜索的参数丢失了

Is the issue consistently reproducible?


Steps to Reproduce

  1. 打开 Raycast,输入 dict,按 Tab 键,进入 Query 框输入 hello,按回车键
  2. 输入框没有带进传参


iShot_2024-07-24_14 49 23 iShot_2024-07-24_14 49 32

Expected result

正常带入 Arguments 参数搜索

Proposed solution (optional)

No response

Are you willing to submit a PR to fix this issue?

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

Hello HADB, Thank you for your first issue contribution 🎉

HADB commented 4 months ago

拉代码本地跑了下,看了下日志发现 queryText 传进去了,但似乎后来 cancel 了,我研究下。

15:10:41.326 configDefaultAxios
15:10:41.326 enter audio.ts
15:10:41.326 audio path: /Users/bean/Library/Application Support/com.raycast.macos/extensions/easydict/audio
15:10:41.326 enter youdao.ts
15:10:41.326 start getYoudaoWebCookie
15:10:41.326 enter volcanoAPI.ts
15:10:41.327 enter bing.ts
15:10:41.327 enter google.ts
15:10:41.327 enter dataManager.ts
15:10:41.327 enter easydict.tsx
15:10:41.350 ---> arguments queryText: hello,world
15:10:41.350 update input text: hello,world, length: 11
15:10:41.351 cancel, and remove all query list
15:10:41.354 ---> delay query text: hello,world, isDelay: false
15:10:41.378 ---> arguments queryText: hello,world
15:10:41.378 update input text: hello,world, length: 11
15:10:41.388 cancel, and remove all query list
15:10:41.388 ---> delay query text: hello,world, isDelay: false
15:10:41.416 The List view is changing an uncontrolled search bar to be controlled. This is likely caused by the `searchText` changing from `undefined` to a defined value, which should not happen. Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled search bar element for the lifetime of the component. More info: https://reactjs.org/link/controlled-components
15:10:41.416 start queryText: hello,world
15:10:41.417 resetProperties
15:10:41.417 start detectLanguage
15:10:41.417 api detect queryText: hello,world
15:10:41.418 detect lowerCaseText: hello,world
15:10:41.418 start raceDetectLanguage
15:10:41.418 start bingDetect
15:10:41.418 start requestWebBingTranslate
15:10:41.418 no stored bingConfig, get a new one
15:10:41.418 start requestBingConfig
15:10:41.419 check if ip in China
15:10:41.435 update input text: , length: 0
15:10:41.436 trimText is empty, do not query
15:10:41.437 cancel, and remove all query list
15:10:41.437 getCurrentIp error: CanceledError: canceled
15:10:41.437 checkIfIpInChina error: CanceledError: canceled
15:10:41.438 get bing tld: cn
15:10:41.440 config bingTld: cn
15:10:41.441 get bing config url: https://cn.bing.com/translator
15:10:41.441 requestBingConfig error: CanceledError: canceled
15:10:41.441 get bingConfig failed
15:10:41.441 ---> bing detect error: {"type":"Bing Translate","message":"Get bing config failed"}
15:10:41.441 race detect language error: {
    "type": "Bing Detect",
    "message": "Get bing config failed"
15:10:41.441 last detect action fail, return undefine
15:10:41.441 start try get final detect: undefined
15:10:41.441 handleFinalDetectedLangFromAPIList
15:10:41.442 no detected language, return undefined
15:10:41.442 start local detect language, confirmed confidence (>0.8)
15:10:41.442 start franc detect: hello,world
15:10:41.442 franc detect cost time: 2 ms
15:10:41.442 franc detected language array: [
  [ 'nl', 1 ],
  [ 'da', 0.7734056987788331 ],
  [ 'fi', 0.5780189959294437 ],
  [ 'pl', 0.5671641791044777 ],
  [ 'tr', 0.39891451831750335 ],
  [ 'sv', 0.3772048846675712 ],
  [ 'it', 0.37177747625508817 ],
  [ 'en', 0.32157394843962006 ],
  [ 'hr', 0.29172320217096337 ],
  [ 'hu', 0.28358208955223885 ],
  [ 'fr', 0.19402985074626866 ],
  [ 'sr-Latn', 0.1872455902306649 ],
  [ 'de', 0.07734056987788329 ],
  [ 'es', 0.042062415196743586 ],
  [ 'pt', 0 ],
  [ 'id', 0 ],
  [ 'vi', 0 ],
  [ 'ro', 0 ],
  [ 'tl', 0 ],
  [ 'cs', 0 ],
  [ 'sk', 0 ],
  [ 'lt', 0 ],
  [ 'sl', 0 ]
15:10:41.442 franc detect preferred but unconfirmed language: en, confidence: 0.32157394843962006 (>0.2)
15:10:41.442 ---> final confirmed: false, type: Franc Detect, detectLanguage: en
15:10:41.442 ---> query has been canceled, stop, return
15:10:41.712 get web youdaoCookie: OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID=-39917529@; domain=.youdao.com; expires=Fri, 17-Jul-2054 07:10:41 GMT
15:10:41.712 get youdaoCookie cost time: 395 ms
HADB commented 4 months ago

打日志看了下,看起来是 List 组件触发了一个 onSearchTextChange 的事件,然后在这个事件的处理方法 onInputChangetext 给置为空了,但我没开发过 Raycast 的插件,对这个地方不太了解,大佬之前遇到过这个问题吗?

HADB commented 4 months ago

@tisfeng Hi,大佬,我提交了一个 PR #63 ,修复了这个问题。

tisfeng commented 4 months ago

奇怪,我本地测试没有遇到 Arguments 参数丢失问题。。。

我对 React 不熟,不知道到底什么问题 😓

我跑了一下你的 PR 代码,似乎也没有问题,行吧,那我就先合并它。

haokw commented 3 months ago

遇到了同样的问题,修复代码已经在最新版本中发布了吗?已经更新到最新版本了,这个问题还是有的。 Raycast 1.81.1 macOS 12.7.6

tisfeng commented 3 months ago

Raycast 商店版还没有更新,当前仓库最新的代码应该已经修复了,在我电脑上跑没问题,你可以自己测试看看。

tisfeng commented 3 months ago

商店版本已发布更新 https://github.com/raycast/extensions/pull/14179

haokw commented 3 months ago

商店版本已发布更新 raycast/extensions#14179


rookiezn commented 1 month ago

@HADB @tisfeng #63 这个fix会导致任何情况下的第一次输入被忽略,比如从剪贴板粘贴内容,比如用中文输入法一次性输入短语

tisfeng commented 1 month ago

不太明白你的描述,你能详细解释一下吗,或者提交一个 PR ?

rookiezn commented 1 month ago


@tisfeng 第一次是一次性输入中文,因为只有一个onSearchTextChange事件,被略过了。第二次是从剪贴板粘贴,同样是只有一次事件。

tisfeng commented 1 month ago


关于如何修复,你有什么想法?可以 PR 吗 🥺