tisoap / react-flow-smart-edge

Custom Edge for React Flow that never intersects with other nodes
MIT License
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Props that are generated when you start dragging new connection are missing for <StepEdge /> in react flow v11 #42

Closed DraksBG closed 1 year ago

DraksBG commented 1 year ago

On previous version of ReactFlow v10 whenever you start dragging new connection (Edge) to connect towards a new node the props that were coming and that were needed for were sourceX sourceY and targetX targetY everything was working as it should be, while as after updating to ReactFlow v11 and SmartEdge v3.0 when you start to create a connection the line is disappearing and you can't see it until you connect it, and the props that are specified are missing you got an error as well because of that.

Minimal Example Share an URL with a minimal example on CodeSandbox or a minimal GitHub repository where the error happens. Reported bugs without this link will not be worked on!

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Update to ReactFlow v11
  2. Select and Edge and start dragging new connection
  3. The connection is not visible
  4. Until you connect it to the new node and props are missing

Expected behavior The connection should be visible from the begging of the dragging and props shouldn't be missing

Actual behavior The connection is disappearing and the props are missing

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Screenshots and Videos

React flow v10 SmartEdge v2.0.0 React_flow_v10 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52380770/199692811-140fe4b3-1109-406f-88e1-b3ecb8e4cc76.mp4

React flow v11 SmartEdge v3.0.0 beta React_flow_v11 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52380770/199693387-30f6b75e-ab72-4b0a-8083-ab9b64134d8e.mp4

tisoap commented 1 year ago

Hey @DraksBG ! Could you please provide a minimal working example on CodeSandbox? I won't tackle issues where the problem can't be reproduced

tisoap commented 1 year ago

Closed due to lack of a minimal reproducible example