titanium-as / TitaniumAS.Opc.Client

Open source .NET client library for OPC DA
MIT License
193 stars 94 forks source link

.NET Core Version #53

Open BrettGFleischer opened 3 years ago

BrettGFleischer commented 3 years ago

I would like to know if there is a .NET Core version of TitaniumAS.Opc.Client, developed by your contributors, in the works.

I see that there is TitaniumAS.Opc.Client.NetCore on the NPM, however, the project URL is broken and we are experiencing a few issues/bugs with this framework version (compared to your .NET Framework version)

dschmitt-org commented 3 years ago

You can make a multi target package with <TargetFrameworks>net4;netstandard2.0</TargetFrameworks> in the csproj file.

Short reminder that the .NetCore package will only work under Windows x86.

You link is broken because 'aalmada' changed his name, here is the new link: https://github.com/maikebing/TitaniumAS.Opc.Client

He got a nuget package, too: https://www.nuget.org/packages/TitaniumAS.Opc.Client.NetCore/

Keep in mind that the timestamp fix suggested here is not implemented in maikebing's repository - making your own fork / NuGet package will be your best solution.