titaniummachine1 / Cheater_Detection

Automatic bot and cheater detection and adds priority on cheaters.
MIT License
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Incorrect Suspicion & Cheater tagging #5

Open FilthyKermo opened 1 week ago

FilthyKermo commented 1 week ago

What I've noticed while testing is that when a player gets tagged for example as suspicious, the text "suspicious" is being set to appear not only above the player who raised suspicion, but also few other players. I was not able to determine if it marks random players, or a specific amount of players, or specific players which were basically somewhat detected by the lua. (0 iq moment, idk how to explain what i mean)



FilthyKermo commented 1 week ago

Also, notice how low my fps is while the players are not marked as cheaters, my theory is that it is low due to lua actually working on searching for suspicious players, which causes lag because lua is big and it has lots of functions, and since players were marked as cheaters the lua just ignores them since theres nothing to detect about them anymore and that is why fps goes back up (because lua stops realtime watch for those tons of flagged players)