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Operation manual (normal) CHATGPT #2

Open titivec opened 4 hours ago

titivec commented 4 hours ago

Here is a functional specification of a fund repository website, there are normal website workflow and exceptional handling workflow in each cases in the document. Could you please understand the document first, and help to draft a contingency operation procedure for exception handling. i need a very details procedures, with user role and responsibility highlighted. ChatGPT said: ChatGPT Based on the fund repository functional specification provided, I’ll create a detailed contingency operation procedure for exception handling. This procedure will cover key exception scenarios and the roles involved in managing them. Here’s a detailed procedure with roles and responsibilities:

Contingency Operation Procedure for Fund Repository Exception Handling

  1. Role Definition Information Provider (External): Provides daily fund information files via SFTP, including index, document, and deauthorised fund lists. System Administrator (Internal): Oversees the repository system, configures settings, and manages the system’s database and parameters. System Operator (Internal): Manages back-end data, including content updates, fund data, and error handling, and monitors batch jobs. General Public User (External): Accesses and downloads fund information from the repository.
  2. Exception Handling Scenarios and Procedures Scenario 1: Missing or Corrupted Data Files from Information Provider Description: The system is unable to locate or access the latest index.json or document.json files, or files are corrupted during transfer.


Fund data update fails or is incomplete. An error message or log entry indicates a failure to retrieve or parse files. Steps:

System Detection:

The system logs an error when file retrieval or parsing fails. The batch job is halted automatically. System Operator Action:

Role: The system operator receives an alert via email. Responsibility: Validate if the failure was due to a temporary network issue or file corruption. Action: Retry the SFTP download process manually. Use secure file transfer tools to validate the integrity of the index.json and document.json files. Verify checksums against index.json.check and document.json.check. System Administrator Action:

Role: The administrator intervenes if repeated download attempts fail. Responsibility: Notify the Information Provider and request file re-sending. Action: Log the incident in the system’s operation audit trail, noting the root cause and resolution steps. System Recovery:

Responsibility: Once valid files are received, re-run the batch job manually, updating the repository. Notification: Notify stakeholders of successful recovery, including the general public if the issue impacts fund visibility. Scenario 2: Deauthorized Funds Not Matching the Provided deauthorised.json Description: Funds removed from index.json are not reflected in deauthorised.json, creating inconsistencies between active and deauthorized funds.


Discrepancies in the active funds list, with some removed funds still visible in the repository. Steps:

System Detection:

The system compares the current index.json with the previous version. Missing funds trigger a mismatch if they are not listed in deauthorised.json. System Operator Action:

Responsibility: Check logs to confirm which funds are affected. Action: Halt the batch job if a mismatch is detected. Temporarily display the previous day's fund repository content. Escalate: Inform the system administrator of the issue. System Administrator Action:

Responsibility: Contact the Information Provider to clarify the mismatch. Action: If necessary, request updated or corrected deauthorised.json files. Investigate if this is a recurring issue. Audit: Record the event in the operation audit trail, specifying which funds were affected. System Recovery:

Responsibility: Resume the batch job once valid data is received. Public Notification: Notify affected users via the website if any fund visibility issues occurred. Scenario 3: Large-Scale Deauthorization of Funds Description: A large number of funds are deauthorized at once, exceeding a pre-configured threshold, which might indicate a data error or system failure.


A bulk of funds is removed from the repository unexpectedly. The system flags the issue due to a configured threshold being breached. Steps:

System Detection:

The system halts the batch job when the number of deauthorized funds exceeds the threshold set by the administrator. System Operator Action:

Responsibility: Verify if the deauthorization is legitimate by comparing logs and checking with the Information Provider. Action: Pause any repository updates until confirmation is received from the Information Provider. System Administrator Action:

Responsibility: Contact the Information Provider to verify if the large-scale deauthorization is intentional. Action: Adjust the threshold if needed based on historical data. Ensure that only verified deauthorized funds are removed from the repository. Escalate: In case of uncertainty, escalate the issue to higher management or compliance. System Recovery:

Responsibility: If the mass deauthorization is valid, proceed with repository updates. If it is an error, revert the system to the previous day's state and reprocess corrected data. Scenario 4: Fund Profile Update Failure Description: Discrepancies in fund profile data prevent updates to fund information (e.g., missing or conflicting data fields).


Fund profile details (e.g., fund name, size, or base currency) are not updated on the repository website. Error logs report a failure in updating specific fund profiles. Steps:

System Detection:

The batch job identifies missing or conflicting data while comparing the new index.json with the repository’s current records. System Operator Action:

Responsibility: Identify the fund profiles that failed to update. Action: Manually check the new index.json for the missing fields. Verify against previous versions if necessary. Halt the update process for affected profiles while allowing other fund updates to proceed. System Administrator Action:

Responsibility: Communicate the issue to the Information Provider, requesting corrected data. Action: Correct the data in the repository or manually update the affected fund profiles if the issue is minor (e.g., a missing non-critical field). System Recovery:

Responsibility: Update the affected fund profiles once correct data is received. Ensure the audit trail logs the issue and resolution. Scenario 5: System Downtime or Failure Description: The repository system experiences an unexpected outage or downtime, preventing updates or public access to fund information.


The website is inaccessible to users. Fund data updates are not processed. Steps:

System Detection:

Downtime is detected via automatic monitoring tools or user reports. System Administrator Action:

Responsibility: Investigate the root cause of the outage (server failure, network issues, etc.). Action: Restart services if possible. If the issue is hardware or network-related, escalate to IT support teams. Notification: Inform the system operator and stakeholders of the outage duration and recovery timeline. System Operator Action:

Responsibility: Ensure no updates are processed during downtime. Action: Once the system is restored, manually reprocess any missed batch jobs or updates. Public Communication:

Responsibility: Notify users via a temporary maintenance page, explaining the issue and expected recovery time. Post-Recovery: Communicate the successful restoration of services and ensure data integrity after the system is back online.

  1. General Responsibilities System Operator: Monitors daily updates, handles batch jobs, and addresses system alerts. System Administrator: Oversees system configuration, escalates issues to Information Providers, and maintains the audit trail. Information Provider: Supplies valid and timely fund information and corrects errors as necessary. General Public Users: Report issues via the contact page when experiencing download or access problems. This contingency plan ensures systematic handling of exceptions, focusing on data integrity, minimizing downtime, and clear role responsibilities for swift resolution.

You said:

as i mentioned the functional specification have normal operation flow, like website content maintenance, site content update, banner update, etc. there is a maker-checker mechanism in these website maintenance workflow. please help to draft a normal operation manual document ChatGPT said: ChatGPT To draft a Normal Operation Manual for website maintenance processes in the Fund Repository, I will structure it around the key operations involved, including content maintenance, content updates, banner updates, and the maker-checker mechanism. Each section will clearly outline the procedure, roles (Maker and Checker), and steps involved.

Fund Repository Website - Normal Operation Manual

  1. Roles and Responsibilities Maker: The user responsible for initiating or creating updates (content, banners, files) on the website. Checker: The user responsible for reviewing, approving, and publishing updates initiated by the Maker. System Administrator: Supervises the entire workflow, can act as Maker or Checker if needed, and manages user permissions and roles. General Public User: Users who browse the website and access fund data, but are not involved in content management.

  2. General Workflow Overview The Fund Repository website operates on a Maker-Checker Mechanism for all updates related to content management. The maker initiates changes, which must be approved by the checker before going live.

  3. Normal Operations 3.1 Website Content Maintenance Objective: To update or maintain content (text, articles, fund-related information) on the website, ensuring accuracy and timely updates.


Maker: System Operator Checker: System Administrator Steps:

Maker (Initiate Update):

Log into the website's back-end management system. Navigate to the Content Management module. Select the section to update (e.g., fund profiles, terms of service, disclaimers, or FAQ). Update or edit the content as required. Submit the changes for review by the checker. The content status is marked as Pending Approval. Checker (Approve Update):

Receive notification of pending content updates. Log into the system and review the submitted changes in the Content Approval section. Verify the accuracy, consistency, and compliance of the changes. If acceptable, approve the content for publication, marking the status as Approved. If rejected, add comments and return the changes to the maker for revision. Once approved, the changes go live on the public website. Post-Approval:

The content is now visible on the public-facing website. The system automatically logs the update in the Audit Trail for future reference. 3.2 Website Banner Update Objective: To update or replace banner images (e.g., advertising images, fund announcements) on the website’s homepage.


Maker: Marketing Team or System Operator Checker: System Administrator Steps:

Maker (Initiate Update):

Log into the Advertising Image Management section of the back-end system. Upload the new banner image. Ensure the image meets the platform’s size and format requirements. Specify the banner's display duration (start and end date). Preview the uploaded banner. Submit the banner update for approval. Checker (Approve Update):

Access the Pending Banners section in the back-end system. Review the banner image for accuracy, branding compliance, and relevance. Approve the banner if it meets the required standards, marking it as Approved. If changes are needed, reject the banner with comments for revision. Upon approval, the banner is scheduled for display according to the specified timeline. Post-Approval:

The new banner is now visible on the website during the defined period. The system logs this activity in the Audit Trail. 3.3 Site Content Update (Fund Profiles, Financial Reports) Objective: To update fund profiles, financial reports, and other key information related to fund data on the repository.


Maker: System Operator or Fund Data Manager Checker: System Administrator Steps:

Maker (Initiate Update):

Navigate to the Fund Data Management or Fund Document Management section. Upload new fund data (e.g., index.json, document.json, PDF financial reports). Ensure all mandatory fields (e.g., fund name, fund size, legal entity) are filled correctly. Cross-check fund data for any errors or inconsistencies. Submit the updates for approval by the checker. Checker (Approve Update):

Review the updated fund data in the Pending Fund Updates section. Validate the information, ensuring it matches with the official data provided by the Information Provider. Approve the updates if all data is accurate and compliant, marking the status as Approved. If issues are found, reject the update with instructions for correction. Approved updates are then published, and the fund profile or report is visible on the website. Post-Approval:

The system records all fund data updates in the Audit Trail, maintaining a clear history of changes. 3.4 Document and File Upload Objective: To upload and maintain documents such as fund notices, financial reports, or offering documents (prospectuses).


Maker: System Operator or Content Manager Checker: System Administrator Steps:

Maker (Initiate Upload):

Navigate to the Fund Document Management section. Upload the new document (PDF format), ensuring it meets the file size and naming conventions (e.g., checksum-based naming). Enter relevant metadata, such as document type (Annual Report, Prospectus), fund name, and upload date. Preview the document before submitting for approval. Checker (Approve Upload):

Review the uploaded document in the Pending Documents section. Check document validity and ensure metadata correctness. Approve the document for public access, or reject it if corrections are needed. Once approved, the document is visible on the fund profile. Post-Approval:

The system logs the document in the File Download Log, and it becomes available for public download. The update is also recorded in the Audit Trail.

  1. Maker-Checker Approval Workflow The Maker-Checker mechanism ensures that no content, data, or document can be published on the website without a second layer of verification. This process adds accountability and minimizes errors.

Key Features:

Separation of Duties: The Maker (creator) and Checker (approver) must be different users to prevent unilateral updates. Notification System: Both the Maker and Checker are notified via email when a task requires action. Audit Trail: Every step in the process (creation, submission, approval/rejection, publication) is automatically recorded in the system, ensuring full transparency and traceability.

  1. System Logs and Audit Trail All activities carried out in the system are automatically logged. This includes:

Content Changes: Updates to website content, such as articles, fund data, or legal notices. Document Uploads: New file uploads, including financial reports, fund notices, or offering documents. Banner Updates: Changes to banner images or homepage advertisements. Approvals and Rejections: Each approval or rejection is tracked, including the reason for rejection. User Actions: Actions by the Maker, Checker, or System Administrator are logged, ensuring accountability.

  1. Version Control For every update, the system maintains version control:

Content Versions: The system stores previous versions of all content for easy rollback if needed. Document Versions: Old documents (financial reports, fund notices) are archived and remain accessible, allowing users to retrieve historical data. Banner Versions: Banners are stored with timestamped versions to track promotional campaigns.

  1. Exception Handling During Normal Operations If issues arise during normal operations (e.g., file upload errors, content validation failures), the following steps should be taken:

Notify the System Administrator of the issue. Revert to the last approved version of content or document if necessary. Log the issue in the Audit Trail and attempt to resolve the problem within the next operational cycle.

  1. Maintenance Schedules Website content and fund repository updates should follow a predefined schedule:

Daily Updates: Fund data updates, including fund profiles and financial reports. Weekly Reviews: Content reviews and updates for legal, disclaimer, and policy pages. Monthly Updates: Banner changes or promotional content updates. Ad-hoc Updates: Any urgent changes as requested by higher management or due to regulatory changes. This operation manual ensures structured, compliant, and error-free website maintenance, leveraging the maker-checker mechanism for increased security and accountability.

titivec commented 4 hours ago

For a fund repository website, the system is sourced its fund information / document pdf files from an information provider, the website backend module will pull data from their FTP site on daily basis. when there is an incident happened, which data feed in unreadable , the backend module is halted. Based on this example as a story, please help to draft an operation manual for the contingency handling

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Operation Manual: Contingency Handling for Fund Repository Website Introduction This operation manual outlines the procedures to be followed in the event of an incident where the data feed from the information provider becomes unreadable, causing the website's backend module to halt. The goal is to minimize downtime and ensure the integrity of the fund repository.

Incident Identification and Escalation Monitoring System: The monitoring system should be configured to detect any disruptions in the data feed from the information provider. Alert Notification: When an incident is detected, immediate alerts should be sent to relevant personnel, including the system administrator, database administrator, and operations manager. Incident Ticket Creation: A new incident ticket should be created in the incident management system, documenting the time of the incident, the affected systems, and the initial symptoms. Incident Response Isolate the Issue: The system administrator should isolate the affected backend module to prevent further damage or data loss. Investigate the Root Cause: The system administrator should investigate the root cause of the unreadable data feed. This may involve checking the FTP server's status, verifying network connectivity, or inspecting the data files for errors. Communicate with the Information Provider: Contact the information provider to report the incident and request assistance. Implement Temporary Solutions: If possible, implement temporary solutions to restore the data feed or provide alternative data sources. This may involve manual data entry or using cached data. Data Recovery and Restoration Data Backup: Verify that recent backups of the affected data are available and accessible. Data Recovery: Restore the data from the backups to the affected system. Data Integrity Checks: Perform thorough data integrity checks to ensure that the restored data is accurate and complete. System Restart and Testing Restart the Backend Module: Once the data has been restored, restart the backend module and verify its functionality. Testing: Conduct comprehensive testing to ensure that the system is operating normally and that the data feed is functioning correctly. Post-Incident Review and Documentation Root Cause Analysis: Conduct a thorough root cause analysis to identify the underlying causes of the incident and develop preventive measures. Incident Documentation: Document the incident in detail, including the timeline, actions taken, and lessons learned. Updates to Procedures: Review and update the contingency plan based on the findings of the root cause analysis. Regular Testing and Drills Regular Testing: Conduct regular tests of the contingency plan to ensure its effectiveness. Drills: Simulate incidents to train staff on the response procedures. By following these procedures, you can minimize the impact of incidents related to unreadable data feeds and ensure the continued operation of your fund repository website.

please draft a normal operation manual for a fund repository website. i mean normal website maintenance . you please outline the sections to me first. I will confirm if you need to write it in details

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Outline for a Normal Operation Manual for a Fund Repository Website Introduction Purpose of the manual Scope of the manual Target audience System Overview Description of the website and its components Hardware and software requirements Data flow and architecture Regular Maintenance Tasks Backup and Recovery: Frequency of backups Backup procedures Restoration procedures Security: Regular security audits Patch management Access control Performance Monitoring: Key performance indicators (KPIs) Monitoring tools Response to performance issues Data Integrity: Data validation procedures Data cleansing Data quality checks Software Updates: Update management policies Testing and deployment procedures Incident Response Incident identification and escalation procedures Incident investigation and resolution Communication plan Post-incident review Documentation and Reporting Documentation standards and templates Reporting requirements Change management procedures Would you like me to write any of these sections in detail?

yes. please add user roles where appropriate. there are 4 types of users: Public user (external), information provider(external), IT operator (internal), business operator (internal). For each point, please write at least 200 words

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Normal Operation Manual for a Fund Repository Website Introduction This manual outlines the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the day-to-day maintenance and operation of the fund repository website. It provides guidelines for various roles, including public users, information providers, IT operators, and business operators.

System Overview Website Components:

The website consists of several key components, including:

Frontend: The user interface that allows public users to search for and view fund information. Backend: The server-side component that processes requests, retrieves data from the information provider, and renders the frontend. Database: Stores fund data, user information, and system logs. Information Provider Interface: The module that interacts with the information provider's FTP site to retrieve data. Hardware and Software Requirements:

The website requires the following hardware and software:

Servers: High-performance servers capable of handling the expected traffic load. Operating System: A stable and secure operating system, such as Linux or Windows Server. Database Management System: A reliable database management system, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. Programming Languages and Frameworks: The programming languages and frameworks used to develop the website (e.g., Python, Django, React). Web Server: A web server to serve the website's files (e.g., Apache, Nginx). Data Flow and Architecture:

Public User: A public user accesses the website and performs searches or views fund information. Frontend: The frontend processes the user's request and sends it to the backend. Backend: The backend retrieves the requested data from the database or the information provider's FTP site. Information Provider Interface: The interface communicates with the information provider's FTP site to retrieve data. Database: The database stores fund data, user information, and system logs. Backend: The backend processes the data and returns it to the frontend. Frontend: The frontend displays the data to the public user. Regular Maintenance Tasks Backup and Recovery

Frequency: Daily backups of the entire website, including the database, codebase, and configuration files. Backup Procedures: Use reliable backup software to create full and incremental backups. Store backups in a secure off-site location. Restoration Procedures: Test the backup restoration process regularly to ensure its effectiveness. In case of a disaster, follow the documented restoration procedures to recover the website. Security

Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits to identify vulnerabilities and potential threats. Patch Management: Apply security patches and updates promptly to address known vulnerabilities. Access Control: Implement strong access controls to restrict access to sensitive data and systems. User Roles: Public User: Can access public information but has no administrative privileges. Information Provider: Can upload and manage fund data. IT Operator: Has administrative access to the website's systems and can perform maintenance tasks. Business Operator: Can manage user accounts, configure the website, and make business decisions. Performance Monitoring

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Monitor key performance indicators such as website response time, server load, and database performance. Monitoring Tools: Use monitoring tools to track performance metrics and identify potential bottlenecks. Response to Performance Issues: If performance issues are detected, investigate the root cause and take corrective action. Data Integrity

Data Validation Procedures: Implement data validation procedures to ensure that data entered into the system is accurate and consistent. Data Cleansing: Regularly clean and deduplicate the database to remove outdated or inaccurate data. Data Quality Checks: Conduct periodic data quality checks to verify the accuracy and completeness of the data. Software Updates

Update Management Policies: Establish policies for managing software updates and patches. Testing and Deployment Procedures: Test updates in a staging environment before deploying them to the production environment. Please let me know if you would like me to continue with the next section or if you have any other questions.