titu1994 / Super-Resolution-using-Generative-Adversarial-Networks

An implementation of SRGAN model in Keras
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An error in keras_op.py #25

Closed yutianhang closed 7 years ago

yutianhang commented 7 years ago

Line 5: from keras.engine.training import objectives, standardize_input_data, slice_X, \ standardize_sample_weights, standardize_class_weights, standardize_weights, check_loss_and_target_compatibility

There has not objectives function in keras/engine/training.py Please check it.

doantientai commented 7 years ago

I had the same problem and fixed by using Keras 1.2.0

titu1994 commented 7 years ago

Yeah I've not updated the code past Keras 1.2.2.

For now, since I'm busy with course work and lectures, I'm putting this project on hiatus. Sorry about that.