titzer / student-projects

A collection of projects for students on Virgil, Wizard, or WebAssembly
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What's the status of these student projects? #1

Open rubend056 opened 1 year ago

rubend056 commented 1 year ago

Good evening titzer, Just asking about the status of these projects...

Are you a teacher? Do you have students?

Are these concepts for current/future? Because they all sound insanely cool to me.

Pardon if my questions sound like a beginners' (I'm still trying to wrap my head around WebAssembly and your language Virgil)

titzer commented 1 year ago

Hi Ruben, I am a Principal Researcher at Carnegie Mellon University. I have a student working on the data layout DSL and a couple students working on benchmarking WebAssembly, but other than that I am open to collaborators and contributions.