tivac / crucible

API CMS UI powered by Firebase, mithril, and my own dwindling sanity. Oh, and acronyms.
MIT License
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Home Page #9

Open tivac opened 8 years ago

tivac commented 8 years ago

Need to figure out what should be on the home page, what is useful for a user?

kevinkace commented 8 years ago

The cms homepage?



tivac commented 8 years ago

Creating a content type is always available from the main nav, but duping it on the home page couldn't hurt.

I wanna stay far away from process stuff if possible and keep the cms somewhat generic, so probably no Kanban.

The rest of that sounds awesome though.

kevinkace commented 8 years ago

Kanban was misleading, I was thinking more of listings of content in it's current state: drafted with EN, drafted with locs, published, unpublished.

tivac commented 8 years ago

That sounds wicked useful, but very tough to make generic-enough to fit in w/ the CMS. A simpler version would be possible, but it'd only have three columns. Unpublished, Published, Scheduled. Not sure how valuable that'd be.

The details you're talking about seems more like the sort of view we could add as a server console on the jssrv consuming the content, probably. It could even deep-link to the CMS for editing content.

kevinkace commented 7 years ago

Started looking at other CMSs for inspiration.

Wagtail wagtail

Bolt bolt

Kirby kirby

Magento magento

Statamic statamic

Wordpress wordpress

Concrete5 concerte5

Drupal drupal-rubik

Grav grav

tivac commented 7 years ago

Seems like a lot of "stats + recent posts". I like the idea of quick posts on the homepage but that would be a real PITA to pipe through with how flexible the schemas can be.

kevinkace commented 7 years ago

Agree wrt quick posts. If recent posts are grouped by type, I could see a "new post of post type" button.