Users on Question Box have nothing to represent them! You have to design and implement a user profile page, as well as a way for users to update their profile.
Users should be able to add their GitHub URL, Stack Overflow URL, and Twitter URL. Any of these added should show on the profile page.
All questions asked and answers given by a user should be accessible either on the user profile page or on a sub-page (like so: /users/12/questions).
All answers given by a user that are accepted should be marked as such. It would be best to pull these out into their own special section. Look at the GitHub profile page for ideas.
The profile page should have a user's name and bio (if they write one) and an image of them. I suggest using Gravatar for this image and using Identicons if they don't have a Gravatar image. (Try the gravtastic gem.)
The profile page should also show the user's 10 last updated GitHub repos if they gave you their GitHub URL.
The profile page should show the user's Stack Overflow reputation if they gave you their Stack Overflow URL.
Users on Question Box have nothing to represent them! You have to design and implement a user profile page, as well as a way for users to update their profile.