tiy-houston-q1-rails / day-3

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Ksoora #7

Open ksoora opened 9 years ago

ksoora commented 9 years ago


jwo commented 9 years ago

Let's go over this in person --- you're missing a couple of things (and it doesn't run).. Come by and lets pair on it.

ksoora commented 9 years ago

Be there in 10!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 9, 2015, at 1:12 PM, Jesse Wolgamott notifications@github.com wrote:

Let's go over this in person --- you're missing a couple of things (and it doesn't run).. Come by and lets pair on it.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

ksoora commented 1 year ago


Hey there, it's Karthik Soora. Today is a special day for me – it's my 34th birthday!

I hope y'all are staying safe and healthy in these challenging times. As you may have heard, I have some big personal news!

As a proud Texan and passionate advocate for our communities, I am thrilled to be running for Texas State Senate in District 15. As a former chemistry teacher and renewable energy developer, I'm stepping up to represent the incredibly diverse greater Houston communities we call home, from Acres Homes to Atascocita, Greater Heights to Gulfton, Bellaire to Westbury, and every other Super Neighborhood and Municipality in between.

Our campaign is already off to a fast start https://infokarthikfortexascom-dot-mm-event2.appspot.com/em_txIWqE2KF2F01pQOLnEW?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkthik4tx.com%2Fbdayemail51023&key=48c3e5c29e14bfabb9451404029c4855542e67e7 . We’ve been featured in the Texas Tribune, the Texas Signal, and the Houston Chronicle. But this campaign is a marathon, and I need your help to keep our momentum going.

In honor of my birthday today, I'm asking for your support with a birthday-themed donation https://infokarthikfortexascom-dot-mm-event2.appspot.com/em_txIWqE2KF2F01pQOLnEW?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkthik4tx.com%2Fbdayemail51023&key=48c3e5c29e14bfabb9451404029c4855542e67e7 . Whether it's $6.80, $34, $68, $340 or any other multiple of 34, your contribution will help fuel our grassroots campaign and make a difference in the lives of Texans.

I'd appreciate whatever you can give us as I turn 34! https://infokarthikfortexascom-dot-mm-event2.appspot.com/em_txIWqE2KF2F01pQOLnEW?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkthik4tx.com%2Fbdayemail51023&key=48c3e5c29e14bfabb9451404029c4855542e67e7

I would be one of many firsts – the first clean energy developer, the first Indian American in the legislature, and the first AAPI in the Texas State Senate, but I’m running to pass real reform to tackle corruption in Austin and finally make Texas first in the areas that matter.

I’m fighting for a Texas where we all belong, where we invest in a future with clean energy, affordable health care, and housing, and universal pregnancy coverage. A future where our reproductive freedoms, our lives, and our democracy are protected. And a future where every Texan, no matter their background, has the opportunity to thrive free of fear of violence or bigotry.

Growing up as the son of Indian immigrants in the Deep South, I've seen firsthand the power of the potential that lies in every corner of our great communities when we come together. The Texas we love has so much untapped potential. We've seen glimpses of greatness, but under the current GOP leadership and their ultra-wealthy backers, our state has been held back by special interests that have divided our communities.

Texas has a proud history of fighting for multiethnic social democracy, with progressive milestones like Roe v. Wade and transformative policies under LBJ. It's time to reclaim that spirit and work towards a brighter future for all Texans.

We can only achieve this if we come together, putting aside our differences and uniting as one powerful force to take on the special interests that have held us back for too long. I need your help to make this dream a reality.

Here's how you can join our movement today:

  1. Watch our launch video https://infokarthikfortexascom-dot-mm-event2.appspot.com/em_txIWqE2KF2F01pQOLnEW?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.karthikfortexas.com%2F&key=30b5f60647c460868878a6e7eb0e817181133118to learn more about our campaign's vision for a better Texas, inspired by my journey and experiences. Share it with your friends and family – let's get the word out!

  2. Contribute to our campaign https://infokarthikfortexascom-dot-mm-event2.appspot.com/em_txIWqE2KF2F01pQOLnEW?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkthik4tx.com%2Fbdayemail51023&key=48c3e5c29e14bfabb9451404029c4855542e67e7. We're building a grassroots movement in every community, and every dollar counts. Your support will help us reach more voters and show the power of people over special intere https://infokarthikfortexascom-dot-mm-event2.appspot.com/em_txIWqE2KF2F01pQOLnEW?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkthik4tx.com%2Fbdayemail51023&key=48c3e5c29e14bfabb9451404029c4855542e67e7 sts since we're not taking money from Corporate PACs.

  3. Connect with us on social media and stay engaged with our campaign. Give us a like, share our posts, and join the conversation.

Here's our Instagram https://infokarthikfortexascom-dot-mm-event2.appspot.com/em_txIWqE2KF2F01pQOLnEW?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fkarthikfortexas%2F&key=b1aa2e6d7d4b877de7d52130b3aee309382bc47a , Twitter https://infokarthikfortexascom-dot-mm-event2.appspot.com/em_txIWqE2KF2F01pQOLnEW?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FKarthikForTexas&key=6ae0695d73544d3b17de26bcf0a84c06589b1785, and Facebook https://infokarthikfortexascom-dot-mm-event2.appspot.com/em_txIWqE2KF2F01pQOLnEW?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fkarthikfortexas%2F%3Flocale%3Dhi_IN%26paipv%3D0%26eav%3DAfaFcfubRUnEEuLR3TdiW1ZTVqnWgJIgjrOkpCF3vhZKKbeZUtrJfuBeiC8e7TDfTaI%26_rdr&key=be1d19fbaaea86ded59618da74711b5130f6be67 !

Together, let's make history for the vibrant communities of District 15, from Spring Branch to Southside Place, and from Gulfton to the Greater Heights. Thank you for standing with me in this fight for a better Texas, a Texas that works for everyone. Remember, never bet against Texas – because when we're united, we're unstoppable.

With a whole lotta heartfelt gratitude,

Karthik Soora

Candidate for Texas State Senate District 15

www.karthikfortexas.com https://infokarthikfortexascom-dot-mm-event2.appspot.com/em_txIWqE2KF2F01pQOLnEW?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.karthikfortexas.com%2F&key=30b5f60647c460868878a6e7eb0e817181133118

832-299-5594 Click here to unsubscribe https://infokarthikfortexascom-dot-mm-event2.appspot.com/em_txIWqE2KF2F01pQOLnEW/unsubscribe?hash=YzMxOGI5YWQyZDEyNTJiNjg1YmU1ZGRiNjEyYjI3ZGUzYzViY2U0OTpyZXBseSswMDllZTU3ZWQyOTVkZjZkOWQ4Yjg2MDJlYjY5MTI3ZGEyMWQ3Yzc4YTIzZjAxN2Y5MmNmMDAwMDAwMDExMGM3ZWEwZjkyYTE2OWNlMDMzNTliODFAcmVwbHkuZ2l0aHViLmNvbQ==&

ksoora commented 1 year ago
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Dear tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share some exciting updates as we mark one month since the launch of our campaign for Texas Senate District 15. Thanks to your incredible support and the tireless efforts of our team, we've made significant strides and are now gearing up for the next phase of our journey.

First and foremost, I am immensely grateful for the generosity and belief you've shown in our vision for Texas. In just one month, we've raised over $100,000 without taking corporate PAC money! Every dollar stands as a testament to the confidence you have in our campaign, and it emboldens our commitment to serving you and our fellow Texans.

But the current incumbent is supported by a MAGA billionaire and has stockpiled millions of dollars. We don’t need to match his war chest, but we need to raise enough to ensure our message is heard. Can you chip in whatever you can right now?

We've already been featured in the Houston Chronicle and received mentions in both the Texas Tribune and the Texas Signal. This early media recognition is crucial for amplifying our message and vision to a wider audience.

We have been busy in our first month. In our first week we attended Planned Parenthood Lobby Day, talked about clean energy at Bayou Blue Democrats, worked with members of the Chinese American community to successfully protest and kill bigoted legislation like SB 147, walked doors for Fair for Houston and encouraged donations, attended meetings of the LGBTQ caucus, spoke at the Houston Black Democrats, and showed up for Justice for Jalen. Every community in SD 15 from Acres Homes to Atascocita matters, and we’re just getting started.

We are also excited to announce that our campaign has been endorsed by Bluemerica PAC, Sumbel, the former president of Texas Muslim Democrats, Staci Childs a member of the State Board of Education, and Swati, the head of TheySeeBlueTexas.

Each endorsement is part of bringing together a multiethnic coalition of Anglo, Latino, Black, LGBTQ, Straight, AAPI voters, and more that helps bring us closer to our goal and serves as a powerful affirmation of the work we're doing. And, this is just the beginning!

We’re hiring a team of fellows to help us reach voters across the district. Your donation goes directly to training and compensating fellows who speak directly to voters. Will you help sponsor a fellow?

As we move into Phase Two of our campaign - getting on the ballot - we're ramping up our team and operations. Our plan is to gather over 1,500 signatures with representation from every single super neighborhood and municipality in SD 15 as part of our commitment to fight for every community. To achieve this, we're onboarding our Campaign Organizing and Operations Director and bringing on summer fellows dedicated to this effort.

This campaign is about much more than just getting elected.

It's about bringing fundamental change to the way politics operates in Texas.

We're committed to confronting and eradicating corruption at every level, refusing to take a dime from corporate PACs and pushing for a ban on legislators from serving as lobbyists. We want to ensure our political system is one that truly serves its people, not just the highest bidder.

As we forge ahead, we need your continued support:

Consider making a contribution to our campaign. Your donation will help us reach out to more voters, collect the signatures we need, and inch closer to making a transformative difference in SD 15.

If you have any leads on potential campaign offices or could donate space, we'd appreciate your help in this search so we can house our fellows. Please email us with a lead. We're looking for spaces that can facilitate our growing operations.

Your support in the past month has been nothing short of phenomenal. As we look forward to the next phase of our campaign, I am both humbled and excited about the prospect of serving the good people of Texas and making the Texas Dream a reality for all.

Thank you for your continued support and belief in our mission. Together, we will create meaningful change.

Best, Karthik Soora Democrat for Texas Senate District 15

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 1 year ago
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 Karthik will be hosting a Meet & Greet this Thursday, June 22nd

Dear tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

Thanks for being part of Karthik Soora's campaign to represent Texas State Senate District 15! My name is Ivan, and I'm the new Communications and Political Director. This is my second week, and we're already off to a fast start. I was born here in Houston, and I'm very excited to help amplify Karthik's message and bring real change to Austin.

Right off the bat, I want to invite you to join to our first meet and greet. Karthik will be hosting a Meet & Greet this Thursday, June 22nd, from 6-8 PM at Simone on Sunset, 2418 Sunset Blvd, Houston, TX 77005. We would love for you to join us, get to know Karthik, and learn more about our campaign goals. Sign up here to join RSVP for our first Meet & Greet.

My decision to work alongside Karthik stems from my deep belief in his vision for our district. Karthik is a different kind of candidate -- an award-winning educator and successful clean energy developer -- who is committed to addressing vital issues that affect the health and well-being of our community and our state. He's running a grassroots campaign, meeting with voters in every super neighborhood across District 15.

Campaigns like ours depend on contributions from supporters like you, who believe in making a difference. With our first filing deadline coming up at the end of the month, every donation is crucial to hitting our Q2 goal. A generous donation from you today will fuel our efforts in fighting political corruption, advocating for political reform, pushing for Medicare for All, working to end gun violence, and promoting renewable energy. Please consider making a donation today.

Karthik isn't your typical politician. He brings a unique perspective to public service and strategic planning, which, I believe, is crucial to effective leadership.

Your support is invaluable to us. Each contribution brings us closer to our vision of a better, more equitable Texas.

Thank you for being on our team. I look forward to your support and hopefully meeting you at our Meet & Greet.

Best regards, Ivan Communications & Political Director Karthik Soora for Texas

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 1 year ago
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Have you seen our new goal?

Dear tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

It’s Ivan again, reaching out with some exciting campaign news! We’re just days away from Karthik’s first major fundraising deadline. As you probably have seen, Karthik is campaigning every day across the district. We’ve had a great month celebrating at Juneteenth and Pride events these past few weeks and meeting voters throughout the community to continue building our people-powered coalition.

Our people-powered campaign depends on people like, you guessed it, YOU. We have set an ambitious goal of fundraising another $8,551, and we need your help to hit it. Every contribution, large or small, brings us one step closer to making a historic change in Texas. We’re up against a MAGA billionaire, and with your support we can stand up for real Texas values that works for everyone, not just the super wealthy.

If you’re ready to help Karthik win, can you chip in whatever you can to help us meet our June 30th quarterly goal?

As the new Communications and Political Director for Karthik Soora's campaign, I can tell you - there is an incredible wave of momentum building, and it's exhilarating to be a part of it.

Karthik Soora isn't just another candidate. He's an award-winning public school teacher, a leader in renewable energy, and a steadfast fighter against political corruption. With his vision for comprehensive ethics reform, ending gun violence, and his dedication to our community, he stands apart from the rest. And what's more, he would be the first person of color and Asian American to hold this position, breaking barriers and inspiring many.

Your support has been a driving force in this campaign, and I want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your commitment to our shared vision. It's supporters like you that keep our campaign thriving. Please chip in today to keep our momentum going!

Tomorrow, we have a great opportunity for you to hear from Karthik directly. We're hosting a meet and greet from 5 PM - 7 PM, and we would be thrilled if you could join us. Please RSVP to reserve your spot!

If you can't make it, there's still an impactful way to support our campaign. Please consider donating to help us reach our fundraising goal through our ActBlue link.

Thank you for being an integral part of this journey. Together, we can shape a future that's equitable, inclusive, and truly reflective of the diverse spirit of Texas!


Ivan Communications & Political Director Karthik Soora for Texas

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 1 year ago
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You’re helping us reach our goal!

Dear tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

Your support keeps motivating me! I'm Aidan, a Summer Fellow with Karthik Soora's campaign for Texas State Senate District 15. I’m a Houston local, a college student studying International Relations, and I'm fueled by a deep passion for community change. I chose to dedicate my summer to Karthik's campaign because his vision of a Texas led by compassion and community, not corporate interests, truly resonates with me.

Thanks to your support, we've raised about a quarter of our fundraising goal since our last email. That's a huge stride, but we still have some distance to cover, and I'm reaching out to ask for your help to cross the finish line. Can you donate today to help us meet our June 30th deadline goal?

The Team Karthik Summer Fellows and I have been working tirelessly, reaching out to voters in Texas Senate District 15, and discussing Karthik's mission to reshape our political landscape. But to keep this momentum, we need your continued support.

Could you consider making a donation today to help push us even closer to our goal? Even a $5 contribution can make a significant difference!

Your support does more than just fund phone calls and outreach, it fuels our grassroots movement for a better Texas. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of this journey and inspiring young people like me. Together, we’re making a difference for our communities, not special interests.


Aidan Summer Fellow Karthik for Texas

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 1 year ago
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Have you seen our new exclusive shirt?

Dear tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

Today’s deadline day, and your inbox and phones are probably full of messages. Here’s something different – today’s a chance to snag your very own limited- edition Karthik for Texas shirt! If you’re ready to donate to help Karthik before the midnight quarterly deadline, please chip in here.

As a thank you for your continuous support, we're excited to announce the launch of our new, limited edition Karthik for Texas campaign shirts! To make things more exciting, every 5th person to donate $25 will win one of these exclusive shirts. Click here for your chance to snag a shirt!

My name is Myles, and I’m honored to be a part of Team Karthik. I’ve had the privilege of consulting and working with Texas candidates like Wendy Davis and Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia, Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs, and Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Stacy Abrams. Now, I’m working to ensure Texas has a representative like Karthik Soora. Our team has been hard at work, and today, I'm reaching out to share some important updates and exciting news.

Today marks one of the two most important campaign finance deadlines in all of 2023. This is the first time Karthik is filing a fundraising report as a candidate. Soon everyone will know our numbers, so we’re counting on you to make sure Karthik’s campaign finishes with a strong quarter. Please consider supporting our efforts by making a donation.

Thanks to generous supporters like you across Texas, our campaign has gathered incredible momentum. I’ve seen firsthand the hard work of this dedicated team, spreading Karthik's message far and wide, and the excited response from voters who are ready for a candidate committed to fighting political corruption and bringing much-needed ethical reforms to the Texas State Legislature. I've never been more proud to be part of a movement.

However, to continue this momentum and to keep reaching more voters with our message, we need your help. Every contribution fuels our ability to campaign effectively, and we're depending on supporters like you to help us reach our fundraising target.

Your contributions not only support our campaign but also signal your commitment to ethical reform in Texas. Every dollar helps us reach voters in Texas State Senate District 15 and brings us one step closer to creating the change we all believe in. Can you chip in today to help continue supporting our campaign efforts to reach every voter in our district?

Thank you for standing with us and for believing in our mission. Together, we can create a Texas that champions transparency, integrity, and the well-being of all Texans and not just billionaires. We’re standing up for every community in Texas, not special interests.

With gratitude, Myles B. Strategist for Karthik for Texas

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 1 year ago
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Excited to see you at our campaign launch August 10th!

Dear tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

My name is Sadie, and I am a passionate summer fellow dedicated to supporting Karthik's campaign for positive change! I have been working with Karthik for over a month now, and there's a lot of excitement brewing in our camp, and I wanted to share some of the latest updates with you.

Karthik has been tirelessly visiting the district, attending events, and, most importantly, connecting with the people and members of our community. This week he went to a vigil for asylees being mistreated by Governor Abbott, supported those fighting for criminal justice reform, learned about disaster readiness, and much more!

Now, onto some thrilling news!

🎉 Office Launch Party: We are ecstatic to announce our official Office Launch Party on August 10th at 7 pm. It's a fantastic opportunity to meet the team, hear directly from Karthik, and immerse yourself in the excitement of the campaign. Want to join us? Please RSVP using this link and sign up to be on our host committee! We'll be sending out more details in the upcoming days.

☕ Koffee with Karthik: For those closer to Sugar Land or just looking for a more intimate setting to chat, Karthik is hosting a "Koffee with Karthik" meet and greet this Saturday, August 29th, from 3 to 5 pm. It's the perfect space to discuss campaign updates, key initiatives and discover how you can play an integral role in our journey towards a progressive Texas. Excited? So are we! RSVP for the meet and greet here or click the image below.

👕 We are also excited to announce the launch of our new merch - make a donation and receive a special gift as a token of our appreciation!

If, for any reason, you can't make it to our events, fret not. Every bit of support counts. Consider fueling our efforts by making a donation here, or by joining our Team Karthik Host Committee here. Your support goes a long way in amplifying our voice and making our vision for Texas a reality. Thanks to your generous contributions, we have made Texas history by raising the most money than any other challenger running in this district.

Karthik and our team eagerly look forward to seeing each of you soon. Together, let's roll up our sleeves, connect over coffee or at our new office, and work towards building a Texas we're all proud of.

Stay excited, and see you soon!



Summer Fellow, Team Karthik

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 12 months ago
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Join me on a paw-some adventure to support Karthik!

Hey there tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3!,

I'm Bhoomi, the 70-pound ball of love and fluff, and I'm reaching out with a paw-ticular request about my Dog-Dad, Karthik! Though I might look a little big and intimidating, deep down, I'm all about snuggles and treats. Life wasn't always cozy until my loving parents rescued me from a shelter, turning my world around.

So, why the paw-tastic email today? Well, my dad, Karthik, has this super important campaign. I don't understand all the human details, but I see how hard he works and how passionate he is. I know he wants to bring paw-sitive change to everyone. And guess what? We're nearing a big deadline at the end of this month!

I'd give all my treats (okay, maybe not all my treats, a girl's gotta snack) to help him out, but it turns out campaigns run on something other than doggy biscuits and belly rubs. That’s why I'm asking if you could lend a paw by donating to his campaign. I've sniffed out plenty of adventures with my parents, and this campaign journey is another exciting trail! So, please consider throwing a "bone" (or a dollar) our way. Your support means the world to us; together, we can fetch victory for Karthik!

Licks and wags,

Bhoomi 🐕💕

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 11 months ago
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 RSVP now to our Grand Opening HQ Party on August 13th!

Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

August 13th is just around the corner, and we are absolutely thrilled to invite you to our grand opening HQ party! Karthik and his team look forward to meeting you and celebrating this special occasion together. Get ready for an unforgettable afternoon as we swing open the doors to our brand-new campaign office, which serves as the heartbeat of our mission to revolutionize Texas and Senate District 15!

Here are the event details you need to mark in your calendar:

📅 Date: August 13th

⏰ Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

📍 Location: 7676 Hillmont St, Houston, Texas, 77040

Our team has been working tirelessly to make the campaign office an inspiring space, and we can't wait to share it with you. We'll be providing delicious snacks, refreshing drinks, and a few surprises to make the celebration even more special!

Remember, the more, the merrier! So feel free to bring along 2-3 friends or even more. To secure your spot, please RSVP on Mobilize. Also, don't forget to share the love (and the link) with anyone else who'd be thrilled to join.

Together, we're pushing boundaries - from championing a billionaire wealth tax to booting out MAGA and corporate PAC influence. We're just getting started, and this party marks the beginning of something monumental! It's not just an event; it's a moment that will shape the future.

We can't wait to see you there and celebrate with you!

Best regards,

Sadie, Team Karthik

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 11 months ago
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Help us make history: be a part of our HQ grand opening!

Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3!,

We're just days away from a pivotal moment in our journey: the grand opening of our campaign headquarters!

Your enthusiasm and support have fueled every step we've taken thus far, and we're excited to share this monumental day with you. We’ve got a special afternoon planned on 8/13 from 1-3 pm– expect some fun surprises, engaging discussions, and the opportunity to get a firsthand look at our campaign’s heartbeat.

Remember, this isn't just an office; it's where we'll strategize, dream, and, most importantly, build a resilient democracy – hand in hand. We're not just fighting for a seat; we're fighting to amplify the voices of our Texas communities.

If you haven't already, please RSVP so we can ensure we have everything ready for you. (If you've already RSVP'd, consider this email a big virtual hug of gratitude and anticipation!)

See you soon, and here’s to building a movement that champions the rights, dreams, and aspirations of all Texans. Together, there's nothing we can't achieve.


Sadie, Team Karthik

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 11 months ago
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Just one day to go! Join us tomorrow for the grand celebration at our new office building.

Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3!,

We're excited to remind you that our Headquarters Office Opening Party is tomorrow! We've been preparing for this day and can't wait to celebrate with you.

Quick Details:

Date: Sunday, August 13th

Time: 1-3 pm

Location: 7676 Hillmont St

Houston, TX 77040


As we gear up for tomorrow's celebrations, we are excited to take our coalition for change to the next level as we open our headquarters and begin block walks and phonebanks to push for a blue Texas with a real Democrat who is going to fight for every single community and super neighborhood and not special interests.

We have held meet and greets showed up for the Acres Home Superneighborhood meeting, defended democracy and libraries in HISD, donated school supplies, and much more. And we're just getting started!

While we are excited to celebrate our new headquarters, making change happen for SD-15 will require YOUR help.  

Here's how you can play a pivotal role:

Phone and text bank with us

Donate to the campaign

Your involvement, in any capacity, is invaluable. Together, we continue to create waves of positive change!


Sadie, Team Karthik.

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 11 months ago
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Our office opening party will be this Sunday

Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

It's Sadie from team Karthik here. In my enthusiasm for the upcoming Headquarters Office Opening Party, it seems I hit the "send" button a tad too early! 🙈 I'll just blame it on the fact that we just can't wait to share the excitement with all of you.

For clarification, our HQ party will be this Sunday, August 13th from 1-3 pm @7676 Hillmont St. Houston, TX 77040. RSVP here.

Thank you for understanding our eager anticipation. We promise it'll be worth the wait!

See you on Sunday for the grand celebration,

Sadie, Team Karthik

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 11 months ago
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Join us this Saturday for our pivotal Block Walk Event. We have the power to shape this election! 

Good Afternoon tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

There are moments in every campaign that truly define its trajectory - moments when a community comes together with such energy and determination that it becomes unstoppable. On Saturday, August 19th, we will stand on the cusp of such a defining moment at our Block Walk Event.

📅 Block Walk Event Details

📍 Starting Location: Campaign Office HQ, 7676 Hillmont Street, Houston, Texas 77040

🕕 When: Saturday, August 19th, 6-8pm


What to bring:

Here’s what we promise:

Now, here's what we need from you. Your presence, enthusiasm, and dedication are the missing pieces to this puzzle. You are the ones who can help Karthik resonate with every home and every heart.

With every door you knock on and with every conversation you engage in, you bring us one step closer to victory.

To those who've block walked before, we need your experience. To those who haven't, we need your fresh perspective. To everyone who believes in our vision, we need your feet on the ground, your voice in the air, and your spirit lifting us all.

See you there, champions! 🚀

Warm regards,


Team Karthik

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 11 months ago
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This Sunday, 8/27, in Acres Homes, we are having a Meet and Greet & Block Walk!

Good Afternoon tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

We hope this email finds you well and full of enthusiasm for positive change in Texas Senate District 15! We're excited to invite you to two back-to-back events this Sunday, August 27th in Acres Homes.

Event Details:

Meet and Greet with Karthik Soora followed by a Block Walk in Acres Homes

Date: Sunday, August 27th

Time: Meet and Greet - 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM, Block Walk - 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM

Location: Sylvester Turner Park 2800 W Little York Rd, Houston, TX 77091

If you haven't already had the opportunity to meet Karthik Soora, the dedicated candidate who is passionate about representing all of us in Texas Senate District 15, join us for a delightful meet and greet in the park, where you can enjoy some delicious ice cream while engaging in meaningful conversations. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about our platform and discuss the issues that matter most to you, your family, and your community.

Our commitment to this district is unwavering. We aims to bridge the gap between super neighborhoods and municipalities, advocating for positive change from Acres Homes to Atascocita across District 15 in the Texas Senate. Your support and engagement can play a pivotal role in achieving these goals.

This event is not just about conversation; it's about action. After the meet and greet, we'll be embarking on a block walk from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM.

To make this effort successful, we kindly ask that you come prepared with the following:

-Fully Charged Phone

-Minivan App Downloaded on Your Phone


-Comfortable Shoes

Snacks and water will be provided to keep you energized throughout the event.

Mark your calendar and spread the word! We're looking forward to seeing you this Sunday at the park. Feel free to bring friends and family along to be a part of this exciting endeavor.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and we can't wait to make a positive impact together.

Best regards,


Team Karthik

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 11 months ago
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Our august deadline is just two days away and we still meed $3,000 to reach our monthly fundraising goal. 

Dear tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

As the monthly deadline approaches, we're $3,000 short of our August goal. Every month we need to ensure we can make payroll and be on pace to communicate with voters in a district with almost a million people! We're not taking corporate PAC $, and we're up against big MAGA money, but we know the people will triumph.  Can we count on you?  Your contribution, no matter the amount, will make a significant impact.  

Trimming more than just policies: Karthik discussing neighborhood isssues while Getting a Fresh Haircut at So Fresh and So Clean in Acres Homes

The people of this district have been neglected for over 40 years by leadership that only prioritizes the wealthy and powerful. We've been out and about, connecting with residents, attending events, and listening to your concerns. We are committed to meeting and representing EVERY superneighborhood and municipality, not special interests.

Donations are crucial to power our momentum and shape the path ahead. If you haven't donated yet, now is your chance to drive change. For those who've already shown their support, thank you! Don't forget to explore our exclusive campaign merchandise. Your past support and advocacy have brought us far.

Acres Homes School Drive

AAPI Gun Safety Town Hall Meeting

After Hour Acres Homes Chamber of Commerce

Thank you again, your support is our driving force in these critical moments.

With gratitude,

Sadie, Team Karthik

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 10 months ago
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An exclusive look at our campaign highlights, upcoming events, and how to snag a free 'Karthik for Texas' yard sign.

Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

It's Team Karthik! We're beyond thrilled to roll out our first-ever edition of the campaign newsletter. Each week, expect concise updates, snapshots from the field, and opportunities to engage.

Week of 9/12: Newsletter #1

Spotlight News:

Last Saturday, Acres Homes was the first stop of our District Tour and our Meet and Greet paired with a Block Walking event was a hit!

Additionally, we made sure to show up and support at both the LGBTQ Caucus and the HBAD meetings in August.

Notably, Karthik was present at the Ken Paxton impeachment trial in Austin; Texans deserve a government free from corruption and with political reform. That’s what we’re fighting for! Onward and upward!

We’re delivering yard signs! Want a "Karthik for Texas" sign for your yard? Simply fill out our brief three-question survey! Choose delivery to your doorstep or opt for pickup at our HQ office. Show your support with pride!

Looking Forward:

Dive into some community conversations every Tuesday and Thurdsay at 11 AM, 3 PM or 6 PM for our hybrid phone banking events. Let's connect and make a difference, one call at a time.

As our District Tour continues, mark your calendars for Saturday, the 23rd! We're heading to Central Northwest/Spring Branch East. Join us for a Meet & Greet at 4pm, followed by a spirited Block Walk at 5pm. We can't wait to see familiar faces and meet new ones!

Policy Corner:

Winter Storm Uri exposed Texas' vulnerable energy infrastructure, leading to over 700 heartbreaking fatalities. Our state's reactive rather than proactive response further intensified the crisis.

Key Solutions this issue:

  1. Weatherize ERCOT Generators: Strengthen these generators to endure both summer's heat and winter's chill.

  2. Connect with Neighboring Grids: Enhance energy reliability and reduce blackout risks by collaborating with nearby grids.

  3. Launch a Texas Green Bank: Utilize the state's oil and gas royalties to fund green tech and . 4. sustainable ventures, driving job creation.

  4. Target: Net Zero Carbon by 2050: Position Texas in alignment with global climate objectives.

Our primary focus is Texans' safety and well-being. Through these strategies, we aim for a resilient energy future and a stronger stance against climate change.

That's all for this weeks newsletter! Make sure to stay updated by following Karthik's social media channels.




Have a great week,

Sadie, Team Karthik

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 10 months ago
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Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

Can you believe a week’s gone by since our first newsletter? Time’s flying! We've got more updates for you, a peek at what we've been up to, and some fun stuff ahead. Let's dive in!

Week of 9/19: Newsletter #2

Spotlight News:

The Karthik for Texas Campaign is proud to announce that Karthik has been endorsed by Run For Something. We believe this endorsement reflects the alignment between our values and Run For Something's mission.

Run For Something is renowned for its mission to identify, mentor, and support young candidates who are dedicated to creating a more inclusive and equitable future. Our journey has always been about community-driven progress, and this endorsement reaffirms our dedication to this cause.

We are excited about the possibilities that this endorsement brings. It will help us connect with a broader network of individuals who share our values and aspirations.

Now for a quick campaign recap:

Last week was a whirlwind! Karthik and the team touched down at several spots.

We checked in with the West U Democrats, The Harris County Tejano Democrats Meeting, Oak Forest Democrats, and the Humble Area Democrats meetings. Each had its own flavor, and we appreciated the energy and insights everyone brought.  

The Greater Houston Truckers Association Meeting and their Meet the Candidate event were eye-openers. It's always great to understand different perspectives, especially from those who keep our city moving. Nobody who works 40 hours a week in Texas should be in poverty!

Karthik took the mic at the HISD meeting. Education's close to our hearts, so these

conversations matter a lot.

Karthik also visited the Rice Climate Justice Museum. We must do more to assist the 5th Ward communities grappling with Union Pacific and creosote contamination issues. Likewise, many other communities face environmental justice challenges, further exacerbated by a lackluster TCEQ.

On of all that, Karthik's been out and about, block walking and connecting with voters every single day. This campaign is all about genuine, face-to-face conversations.

And that's just scratching the surface! Thanks to everyone who came out and shared their thoughts with us,

We want to hear about what issues are most to you.

You know what's more valuable than gold to us right now? Your feedback. We've rolled out our SD15 Survey, and we're eager to hear from YOU.

    3 Question SD15 Survey

Looking Forward:

Dive into some community conversations every Tuesday and Thurdsay at 11 AM, 3 PM or 6 PM for our hybrid phone banking events. Let's connect and make a difference, one call at a time.

As our District Tour continues, mark your calendars for Saturday, the 23rd! We're heading to Central Northwest/Spring Branch East. Join us for a Meet & Greet at 4pm, followed by a spirited Block Walk at 5pm. We can't wait to see familiar faces and meet new ones!

Policy Corner:

The ringing of school bells in September brings education back into focus. Drawing from his experience as an award-winning teacher, Karthik firmly believes that every Texan child deserves a world-class education. This isn't up for debate.

Key Solutions this issue:

  1. Restrict TEA’s Overreach: Ensure that school district takeovers are executed responsibly and challenge HISD's takeover.

  2. Protect Public Education: Oppose SB 176 and stand against vouchers that threaten to dismantle our public schools' foundation.

  3. Elevate Our Educators: Boost starting teacher salaries to $100,000+, rewarding those dedicated to teaching in high-poverty areas.

  4. Universal Pre-K: Every Texan child should have access to quality pre-kindergarten education.

  5. Revise Testing Standards: Transform the STAAR so it's just one of many factors evaluating school achievement.

  6. Uphold Truth in History: Ensure that Texas agencies can't prohibit the teaching of genuine history.

  7. Expand CTE & Apprenticeships: More students should feel engaged with their studies, leading to tangible career paths.

  8. Equitable School Funding: Advocate for fair funding across schools, making sure one's location doesn't decide their educational resources.

  9. Education isn't just another policy topic—it's the future of Texas.

Show your support:

We’re in this together. Every conversation we have, every event we attend, it's all fueled by folks like you. Your support allows us to keep moving forward, engaging with our community, and striving for a brighter future.

If you believe in what we're doing and want to give us a little boost, consider making a donation to the campaign. Whether it's the price of a coffee or a bit more, every bit helps. It’s more than just money; it's a vote of confidence, a signal that you're with us.

Donate Here

That's all for this weeks newsletter! Make sure to stay updated by following Karthik's social media channels.




Have a great week,

Sadie, Team Karthik

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 10 months ago
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Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

We are excited to bring you the third issue of our Karthik For Texas Newsletter!

Week of 9/27: Newsletter #3

Spotlight News:

On September 23, we continued our journey through District 15 with our second stop in Central Northwest/Spring Branch East. The Meet & Greet followed by the Block Walk was a resounding success, and we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who joined us. Your support and enthusiasm mean so much!

Make Sure To Get Your Free Karthik For Texas Yard Sign Below!

Get Your Free Yard Sign

Looking Forward:

Dive into some community conversations every Tuesday and Thurdsay at 11 AM, 3 PM or 6 PM for our hybrid phone banking events. Let's connect and make a difference, one call at a time.

Policy Corner: Unrigging the System

Karthik believes in real reforms to unrig the system and put an end to public corruption in the Texas State Legislature. It's time to bring about the change we need to ensure our government works for the people, not special interests.

Key Solutions To This Issue:

  1. Banning Legislators from Serving as Lobbyists: It's essential that legislators focus on representing their constituents, not lobbying for outside interests. Karthik is committed to making this practice illegal to prevent any conflicts of interest.

  2. Bold Campaign Finance Reform: Our democracy should never be for sale. Karthik advocates for bold campaign finance reform, including limiting individual donations to $500. This will ensure that billionaires can't buy our elections and that the power remains in the hands of the people.

  3. Increased Funding for the Texas Ethics Commission: To maintain the integrity of our government, we must provide adequate resources to the Texas Ethics Commission. Karthik is dedicated to stopping politicians from enriching themselves with the public trust and ensuring transparency and accountability.

  4. Massively Increased Transparency Requirements: Transparency is a cornerstone of a healthy democracy. Karthik will push for significantly higher transparency requirements for the legislature, making it easier for the public to understand how decisions are made and who influences them.

  5. Reasonable Term Limits: Karthik believes it's time for new voices and fresh perspectives in the legislature. He will advocate for reasonable term limits to ensure that our government remains dynamic and responsive to the changing needs of our community.

These reforms are not just policy positions; they are Karthik's commitment to creating a government that works for all Texans, free from corruption and undue influence. Together, we can unrig the system and build a brighter future for our state.

Show your support:

We're in this together. Every conversation we engage in, every event we attend, is powered by individuals like you. Your unwavering support propels us forward, enabling us to stay actively involved with our community and work tirelessly towards a brighter future.

If you believe in what we're doing and want to give us a little boost, consider making a donation to the campaign. Even if it's only one dollar, every bit helps get us closer to our fundraising goal.

Donate Here

That's all for this weeks newsletter! Make sure to stay updated by following Karthik's social media channels.




Have a great week,

Sadie, Team Karthik

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 8 months ago
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Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

I hope this message finds you well amidst these trying times. I wanted to reach out to you in light of the recent tragic murder of Dr. Talat Jehan Khan, a respected Texan. إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ Our communities transcend the borders of legislative districts; our hearts are heavy with grief, and our thoughts are with her family, especially her children.

While the motive behind this heinous act remains uncertain, and the authorities have not yet confirmed if it was linked to race or ethnicity, I want to assure you that we stand firmly against any form of bigotry or discrimination. Such acts of violence are unacceptable and deeply saddening, particularly as it seems we are seeing a nationwide rise in hate comparable to the post 9/11 climate.  

I understand the pain and fear that such incidents can evoke, especially for our Muslim and Sikh brothers and sisters. After the 9/11 attacks, I too faced prejudice, with people calling me "Osama" and telling my family to go back to Afghanistan. I share this personal experience not to equate our experiences but to emphasize that I understand the sting of bigotry and the importance of standing up against it in every community.

Please know that I, Karthik, will always advocate for your civil rights and stand against any form of discrimination. We must unite as a community, support one another, and ensure that love and understanding prevail over hate.

In these moments of grief, it's crucial to remember Dr. Khan's legacy as a kind, loving doctor who dedicated her life to her children and her patients. Let's honor her memory by coming together, supporting each other, and working towards a more inclusive and compassionate society.

If you need someone to talk to or any assistance during this time, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. We are here for you. Here is a link to folks you can chat with/community resources as well.  

With deepest sympathy and solidarity,

Karthik Soora

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 8 months ago
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Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

We are one of the only campaigns across the entire state of Texas standing up for Palestinian-Texans’ rights to equal treatment under the law. Please see our statement below regarding Governor Greg Abbott’s discrimination against Palestinian-Texans and Support by antisemites.

While international matters are undeniably significant, our campaign is focused on the tangible changes we can effectuate within the Texas Capitol. It's essential to differentiate between local and state responsibilities versus those at the national level. However, we feel compelled to address international issues when actions taken on such a stage by our state's leadership directly impact Texans. If Texas chooses to engage internationally, it must do so with the unwavering belief that every Texan, and indeed every individual, possesses inalienable rights. In line with our state's motto of "friendship," our actions should promote unity and understanding.

Recent reporting by the Texas Tribune seems to indicate that the Governor’s Office is prioritizing helping Israeli Texans and neglecting Palestinian Texans rather than helping both groups of stranded Texans simultaneously. This is disturbing and violates equal protection to which both groups of Texans are entitled.  

Our hearts are with the family of Chen Dori-Roberts who has faced heartbreaking loss, and all those facing the trauma of having loved ones held hostage. We condemn the initial horrific attacks on civilians by Hamas, call for the immediate and safe return of all hostages, and also call for an end to the Israeli military’s killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza so Palestinian Texans like Mai Abushaaban can have their family come back home.

We also condemn Rep Zinke’s introduction of a categorical immigration ban on Palestinian immigration that brings to mind the worst of the Chinese Exclusion Act. Growing up as an Indian American after 9/11, I got called Osama and folks called our house and told us to “go back to Afghanistan.” Bigotry in all forms is unacceptable.

We call on Governor Abbott to mobilize his office's resources to support both Israeli and Palestinian Texans. Unfortunately, his recent actions and silences have not met the expectations of equal protection by his office.

It was important for Governor Abbott to meet victims of the horrific and inexcusable Hamas attacks on civilians in Israel. However, true leadership would also involve extending compassion to Palestinian victims of recent West Bank violence and visiting Palestinian refugee camps. Such actions would demonstrate to Palestinian Texans that their governor genuinely cares about their well-being.

Governor Abbott's affiliations, especially with figures like Pastor Hagee known for extreme antiSemitic views, are alarming. While Abbott has denounced antisemitism, his perceived inaction towards party members linked to known antisemites, such as Jonathan Stickland and Defend Texas Liberty PAC, raises concerns. Additionally, his silence on rising Islamophobia, especially following incidents like the potentially Islamophobic attack on Dr. Talat Jahan in Conroe and the pardon of Daniel Perry, is unworthy of the office he holds.

We urge Governor Abbott to harness Texas's influence as the world's 8th-largest economy in a positive way.  As a former organizer for President Obama, I urge Governor Abbott to heed Obama’s words and use his influence to push for a durable peace: “one that is based on genuine security for Israel, a recognition of its right to exist, and a peace that is based on an end of the occupation and the creation of a viable state and self-determination for the Palestinian people.”

Instead of political maneuvering for future presidential aspirations, the focus should be on bringing all Texans home safely, regardless of their ethnicity.

Sending positive energy to you and your families,

Karthik Soora

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 8 months ago
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Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

It's Sadie from Team Karthik once again! I hope this email finds you in good spirits. I'm thrilled to share some exciting updates from our campaign and invite you to be a part of our journey toward a brighter future for Texas's 15th Senate District.

🎉 Game Night Tonight with Team Karthik!

Get ready for a fun-filled evening at our Game Night happening tonight! It's a fantastic chance to unwind, connect with fellow supporters, and discuss our shared vision for Texas. We're looking forward to seeing you there:

Date & Time: Today, Wednesday, November 15th, 6 pm - 8 pm

Location: Yumcha, 600 N Shepherd Dr 458 Houston, TX 77007


We cannot win this race without your support!

To continue building on this momentum and make a lasting impact in our community, We would greatly appreciate your support in the form of a donation to Team Karthik. ]

To make a contribution, please click on the link below.

Donate Here

Your generosity will directly impact our work, including efforts for door-knocking, canvassing, and increasing voter turnout in Senate District 15 so that we can turn Texas blue.

📣 Recent Highlight from Team Karthik

Karthik recently testified at the CVPE meeting, emphasizing the critical need for comprehensive education reform. Drawing on his experience as a former HISD teacher, he passionately advocated for policies that prioritize and enhance the quality of education for every student in our district.

To watch the testimony, click here or on the image above

💡 Policy Corner: Uncompromising Quality in Education

Issue: Every child in Texas deserves access to top-quality education and public schools. The current challenges in our education system demand immediate and bold reforms to uphold the right to quality education for all.

Solutions: Karthik's Vision for Transformative Education Reform

Stopping TEA Overreach: We advocate for halting the Texas Education Agency's haphazard takeovers of school districts, especially opposing HISD's takeover.

Defeating SB 176: We aim to kill SB 176 and defend public education from vouchers that would deplete public schools and divert state funds to unaccountable private entities.

Elevating Teacher Salaries: Karthik proposes increasing starting teacher salaries to $100,000+, with additional bonuses for those teaching in high-poverty schools, recognizing and rewarding the invaluable role of educators.

Universal Pre-K: We are committed to creating Universal Pre-K for all Texans, ensuring early education for every child.

Redefining Assessment: We believe in decreasing the stakes on high-stakes testing like the STAAR, advocating for a more comprehensive approach to assessing school achievement.

Preserving Historical Integrity: We stand against any efforts by Texas agencies to hinder the teaching of true history.

Enhancing CTE and Apprenticeships: Increasing funding for Career and Technical Education (CTE) and apprenticeships in schools is crucial for connecting students of diverse backgrounds with meaningful learning experiences.

Equitable School Funding: We are dedicated to moving towards equitable funding of schools, aiming to overturn the Rodriguez vs. San Antonio Supreme Court decision, so that a student's zip code does not dictate the quality of their education.

Let's Keep Moving Forward!

Your support and dedication are the driving forces behind our campaign. Whether you're joining us tonight, making a donation, or spreading the word, your involvement is invaluable.

Thank you for being an integral part of Team Karthik. Together, we're not just campaigning; we're building a movement.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us at @.***

Warmest regards,


Karthik For Texas Campaign

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 8 months ago
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SAFA endorses Karthik! Join us in this journey to uplift our community - every donation counts towards a brighter future for Texas!

Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

It's Sadie with Team Karthik, and today I am reaching out to you with a particularly important request to help us continue our momentum and turn Texas blue.  As our monthly fundraising deadline approaches, your individual support is crucial. Karthik's pledge to refuse corporate PAC money means every donation is key to our victory!

An Extra Special Thank You

As we gather this Thanksgiving weekend, we also embrace Native American Heritage Day, reminding us of the deep-rooted history and enduring spirit of Texas' First Nations—from the Caddo to the Comanche and from the Apache to the Karankawa. Taking Inspiration from global examples of meaningful partnerships with indigenous peoples, like those Karthik witnessed in New Zealand, let's extend our Thanksgiving gratitude into tangible support for these communities. Investing in their education, healthcare, and economic opportunities goes beyond mere acknowledgment; it's a commitment to the resilience, hope, and unbroken spirit that have long shaped the very fabric of our great state. This season, let's celebrate and act, honoring the countless stars of Texas' First Nations and pledging to make a real difference.

Your support and belief in our campaign have been a source of constant encouragement. We deeply appreciate your commitment to our shared vision of a more inclusive and prosperous Texas. Here's to a future where every Texan has the opportunity to thrive.

Announcing SAFA's Endorsement!

We are proud to announce that Karthik Soora has been endorsed by South Asians for America (SAFA), a national grassroots organization championing South Asian political engagement. SAFA backs us, but your support is key! Help turn this endorsement into action - your donation drives our grassroots campaign forward.

To continue building on this momentum and make a lasting impact in our community, We would greatly appreciate your support in the form of a donation to Team Karthik.

To make a contribution, please click on the link below.

Donate Here

Your generosity will directly impact our work, including efforts for door-knocking, canvassing, and increasing voter turnout in Senate District 15.

The journey towards a better Texas is a collective effort. With your support, we know we have what it takes to win the State Senate District 15 race. It's your dedication and belief in our cause that drives us forward.

Thank you for standing with us. Together, we can make history and bring about the change we all wish to see in Texas.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us at @.***

Wishing you each and all a wonderful start to the holiday season,


Karthik For Texas Campaign

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 8 months ago
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You're invited to a Filing Block Party with Team Karthik!

Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

I hope your holiday season is off to a great start! As the year winds down, the Karthik for Texas Campaign is growing faster than ever, and I'm excited to share that we have our File with Karthik Event & Block Party approaching this Saturday, December 2nd!

Event Details:

Date: December 2nd

Time: 12:15 PM – 3 PM

Location: Harris County Democratic Party 4619 Lyons Ave, Houston, TX 77020


Powering Our Campaign With Just Three Months Left!

We want to thank everyone who contributed to our last call for donations and volunteer efforts. Every dollar donated, door knocked, and phone call made gets us closer to winning the race for Texas Senate District 15. However, with only three months until voting begins, this time, we are aiming even higher! 

Your contributions are crucial in keeping our campaign thriving. They support our outreach efforts, help us organize more events, and ensure our message reaches every corner of our district.

Donate Here

 As we prepare for our November fundraising deadline,  your financial support gives us the strength to win and the ability to stay in the lead as frontrunners in the SD 15 race. 

Whether attending our events, donating to our campaign, or spreading the word – your involvement is shaping the future of Texas.  Let's continue to stand together for the values we believe in and the changes we want to see.

    P.S. Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment. We can't wait to see you on Saturday!  

Warmest Regards,


    Karthik for Texas Campaign

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 7 months ago
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You're invited to an upcoming Meet-and-Greet + our Holiday Game Night!

Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

Every day, Texans like you and I are confronted with head-on the challenges that shape our state's narrative: issues ranging from gun violence to the defense of reproductive rights highlight the urgent need for democratic reform. As we approach our critical end-of-the-yeard deadline, rallying support and fueling our campaign across the finish line becomes ever more crucial.

The Karthik For Texas Campaign is leading this reform movement, envisioning a Texas that stands for justice, progress, and the basic right to a life of dignity. However, the road to realizing this vision is littered with obstacles: rampant political corruption, inadequate gun control, and looming threats to our fundamental freedoms.

Our campaign isn't just about discussing change but instigating it. We are the torchbearers for revitalizing democracy through citizen-led referendums, protecting reproductive freedom, and making essentials like healthcare and housing affordable for every Texan.  The roadmap to a prosperous Texas lies before us, and we need your help to navigate it.

If you missed our celebration last Friday, Karthik has officially filed his candidacy for Texas Senate District 15! A heartfelt thanks to each of you who joined the celebration and lent your energy and spirit to the day. Your support is the backbone of this journey. We are also immensely grateful to the dedicated individuals who joined the block walk post-celebration, helping to extend our message into the heart of our community.

We invite you to bring that enthusiasm to our upcoming events:  Sunday, December 10th, there will be a special Meet-and-Greet with HISD Board Trustee Placido Gomez, as well as hosts Norma Torres and Cindy Dinh. We also have our Holiday Game Night next Wednesday, December 13th. These gatherings are about more than just fun and friendship; they strengthen a grassroots movement that resonates with the spirit of Texas.

Our target of $550K puts us in a powerful position to influence the upcoming elections. But remember, this campaign doesn't just belong to Karthik - it's your campaign; it's a manifestation of our collective voice and the transformation we can effect together.

Donate Here

Are you ready to etch your name in history? Your contribution, whether in the form of time, resources, or voice, is the driving force we need. Let's stand up for our rights, our community, and the essence of Texas.

Together, we can shape the future of Texas into the beacon of hope, rights, and democracy we envision.

Warmest Regards,


Communications Director,

Karthik For Texas

P.S. Every action counts! Sign up, donate, and let's together shape the future of Texas.

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 7 months ago
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Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

The decisions we make today will carve out Texas' destiny.

Join us in backing Karthik Soora—a leader striving for a Texas where every opinion counts, where vital safeguards like universal background checks and the right to choose are entrenched in our state laws.

Kate Cox's story is a distressing and stark example of the severe consequences of rigid abortion laws.  Despite the clear health risks and the non-viability of the pregnancy, Texas' restrictive laws left her with no legal recourse for an abortion.  This situation highlights a troubling scenario where legal frameworks clash with medical ethics and patient safety, demonstrating an urgent need for legislative reform that prioritizes compassion and practicality in healthcare decisions.

Click here to watch Karthik give a brief recap of the situation.

We need to empower citizens with the ability to initiate ballot measures in Texas. It's an idea 109 years later whose time has come! Karthik is dedicated to championing this cause, advocating for the inclusion of Roe v. Wade on the ballot. He will fight so Texans can enshrine reproductive freedom into the Constitution.

By donating today, you help spread our vision across Senate District 15. United, we can dismantle voter indifference and combat false narratives, shifting Texas towards progress.

Your contribution is the lifeblood of our campaign for a fairer Texas. Stand with Karthik in advocating for reproductive rights and a society where prosperity is shared.

Donate Here

Your role is key in this transformative journey. Let's build a Texas that represents everyone.

Appreciating your commitment,


Communications Director,

Karthik For Texas

P.S. Urgency is key—we're on the home stretch to reach our end-of-the-year financial goal. Contribute before the 2023 cutoff!

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 7 months ago
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Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

We've got some exciting news to share!  Holly Flynn Vilaseca, a respected voice in education, former HISD Trustee, and Houston City Council At-Large Position 2 candidate, is now officially on board with our campaign and has endorsed Karthik Soora for Texas Senate District 15!

In light of this fantastic news, we need your support more than ever. Contribute today to help us reach our end-of-year financial goal.

Whether you donate $5 or $500, your contributions make all the difference.

Donate Here

Every dollar you donate pushes us closer to success and contributes to our campaign efforts, such as reaching out to voters, hosting community events, or spreading our campaign's vision online.


Communications Director,

Karthik For Texas

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 7 months ago
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Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

It's Sadie reaching out to you on behalf of the Karthik for Texas Campaign.

We've heard that Greg Abbott is plotting to call a special election in January to make it easier for a Republican to steal the SD 15 seat due to low turnout. We can't let him do that. With this being an open-seat election, Abbott and the GOP are maneuvering to turn our district into a stronghold for their far-right agenda.

The Republican candidate for SD-15 is Joseph (JL) Trahan, and he is being backed by the likes of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, representing a regressive vision for Texas.

Joseph Trahan and Donald Trump

Trahan's stances on reproductive rights, health-care, democracy, climate change, LGBTQ equality, immigration, Black history, and gun control are not just out of step with our values – they're a direct threat to a prosperous Texas. What happened to Kate Cox was unacceptable.  The erosion of fundamental rights, the blatant disregard for our safety, health, and dignity – It's not the Texas we deserve.

Karthik is running for office because he believes in a different Texas – a Texas defined by hope, not by the divisive rhetoric of Abbott and Cruz. This is why Karthik challenged Trahan to three debates to discuss the future of our district openly. We told him he could pick the moderator and the audience too, but he was noncommittal. His reluctance to engage is telling.

Let's show the far-right what Texas truly stands for, and let's donate to a real Democrat like Karthik who is standing up for every Texan and not taking corporate PAC $.

Donate Now

We can unrig this broken system. Our campaign refuses corporate PAC money and fights against lobbyist-dominated politics.

¡Gracias y adelante!

Sadie Carr

Communications Director

Karthik for Texas

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 7 months ago
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Karthik has a plan to address the housing crisis. With your support, we can put that plan into action.

Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

In our vision for Texas, housing isn't a privilege for the few; it is something that everyone deserves access to. Karthik Soora, candidate for Texas State Senate District 15, is dedicated to realizing this vision with his plan to lower housing costs.

A quarter of Houston renters spend over half their income on housing, data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2022 American Community Survey shows. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, this places them in the “severely rent-burdened” category.

Karthik proposes these steps:

  1. Implement a 3% Wealth Tax on Texas Billionaires: This tax will serve to lower property taxes for all Texans and generate funding for crucial programs such as Universal Pre-K, improved schooling, and making home ownership more affordable across the state.

  2. Strengthen Tenant Rights and Increase Affordable Housing: Support the passing of HB 1148 to protect voucher holders from housing discrimination and back HB 673 to give tenants a fair chance to address rent issues. Increase the supply of affordable housing in high-growth areas and streamline development processes. Boost funding for the Houston Community Land Trust to help tenants facing gentrification stay in their homes.

  3. Enhance State Support for Diverse, Affordable Housing: Increase state funding and housing tax credits to support the construction of affordable housing. Focus on breaking up areas of concentrated poverty, in line with the insights from Harvard Economist Raj Chetty and the Moving to Opportunity study, to foster diverse, thriving communities.

To make these dreams a reality, we need resources. Your donation today will empower us to spread this message and bring tangible change to the lives of millions in Texas.

Donate Now

Houston can be a place of plenty and abundance. Let's create a Texas where accessible home ownership is more than just a distant dream.

Best Regards,

Sadie Carr

Communications Director

Karthik for Texas

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 7 months ago
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Hey Team Karthik,

We're excited to share that Ben Chou, Ben Chou, known for his community engagement and former candidacy for Harris County Commissioner Precinct 4, has just endorsed Karthik for Texas Senate District 15. This endorsement means a lot to us. As part of his campaign, Ben stood up for clean government, a principle Karthik shares by standing up against legislators serving as lobbyists.  

As the Vice Chair of the Mayor's AAPI Advisory Board, Chou has been an advocate voice for Asian Americans in Houston, advocating for accessible voting rights and ensuring every voice is heard and receives fair representation. His support shows that our message resonates with Texans and that our campaign is moving in the right direction. Ben's also pushed back against SB 147, a cause Karthik was proud to also be involved in.  

“I am proud to endorse Karthik for Texas State Senate District 15. Karthik has been an award-winning teacher and relentless advocate for all of us. I know he will fight for a Texas where everyone can thrive.” -Ben Chou

Though we've achieved much, we have an imminent 2023 financial deadline on 12/31. Your contribution is vital. Each donation, big or small, empowers us to connect with more voters and advocate for a politics that truly serves and represents our communities.

Ben is supporting Karthik, can you?

Donate Now

Best Wishes,


Communications Director

Karthik For Texas

                                  Sent via Action Network, a free online toolset anyone can use to organize. Click here to sign up and get started building an email list and creating online actions today.

                            Action Network is an open platform that empowers individuals and groups to organize for progressive causes. We encourage responsible activism, and do not support using the platform to take unlawful or other improper action. We do not control or endorse the conduct of users and make no representations of any kind about them.

                            You can unsubscribe or update your email address or change your name and address by changing your subscription preferences here.
ksoora commented 7 months ago
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Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

Jingle bells and woof-woofs! It’s Bhoomie here, your fluffy, four-legged friend, tapping away with my paws to spread some festive, tail-wagging cheer!

As I’m snuggled up here, thinking about all the treats and fun walks we'll have this holiday, there’s something else I’m paw-ndering. We've got a big, important mission, and with our deadline on 12/31 racing towards us like a speedy squirrel, I need your help!

Life before my forever home was ruff, but now I dream of a Texas where every pup and person gets a fair shake. And that's where Karthik comes in, like Santa Paws! He's all about making things better - unlike that other pup in the race, JL Trahan. Now, between us dogs, Trahan doesn’t quite fetch the ball when it comes to vaccines, universal health-care, or even believing in climate change – things that really matter!

But Karthik, he’s different. He’s like the leader of the pack, always ready to stand up for every single community in SD-15. With his nose to the ground, he's sniffing out solutions and barking up the right trees. That's why we need to lend him our paws and support before our 12/31 deadline!

That's me celebrating the holidays with my family!

Can you chip in a treat or two? Every little bit counts and helps us race towards our goal. Just paw-click on the 'Donate Here' link – it’s easier than digging a hole in the yard!

Donate Here

A gigantic, slobbery thank you for all the support this year. You’re not just a friend; you’re part of our pack, helping us make a difference for every two-legged and four-legged Texan.

Wishing you a holiday filled with belly rubs and a New Year full of happy tail wags!

Stay pawsitively wonderful,


                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 7 months ago
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Hello Everyone,

We're proud to announce that Ashley Cheng, a Texas DNC Committeewoman, founding president of Asian Texans for Justice, and human rights advocate, has officially endorsed Karthik for Texas Senate District 15. We're proud to be one of the only campaigns building a coalition in Texas that looks like Texas: AAPI's, Black folks, Anglos, Latinos, the LGBT+ Community, and everyone in between, bringing together a vibrant community of Texans from all walks of life.

Cheng's support tells us that our hard work is paying off and that people who've been fighting for justice and community advocacy in Texas believe in what we're doing. Yet, to make the most of this momentum, we need your involvement now more than ever.

As we approach the end of 2023, we're in a crucial phase of our campaign.

With just days until we reach our end-of-year December 31st financial deadline, every contribution is vital. It's not just about reaching a financial target; it's about ensuring we have the resources to make our shared vision a reality. Whether we're chatting with voters, setting up community gatherings, or getting our message out there, every penny you chip in helps keep our campaign going strong.

Can you jump in and lend a hand? Let's close out 2023 strong and gear up for an even bigger 2024.

Donate Now

Best Wishes,


Communications Director

Karthik For Texas

P.S. Remember, every bit counts. Together, we're building a Texas we can ALL be proud of!

                                  Sent via Action Network, a free online toolset anyone can use to organize. Click here to sign up and get started building an email list and creating online actions today.

                            Action Network is an open platform that empowers individuals and groups to organize for progressive causes. We encourage responsible activism, and do not support using the platform to take unlawful or other improper action. We do not control or endorse the conduct of users and make no representations of any kind about them.

                            You can unsubscribe or update your email address or change your name and address by changing your subscription preferences here.
ksoora commented 7 months ago
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Dear Karthik Supporters,

We hope this message finds you well. We are reaching out to you today with an important opportunity to make a significant impact on our community and support the candidate we believe in, Karthik.

On January 27th, 2023, at the Resurrection MCC (2025 W 11th St. Houston, TX 77008), starting at 9 am, an endorsement meeting will be held by the LGBTQ+ Caucus. This meeting will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our community, and your participation is crucial.

To vote for Karthik at this endorsement meeting, you must become a member of the LGBT Caucus. The deadline to purchase a membership is December 28th. Memberships are available for just $40, $20 for students or seniors. By joining, you will have the power to support the candidate who champions the values and causes that matter to every single person in the district. This is also an opportunity to vote for the endorsement of any democratic candidate whose views you align with. You do not have to identify as LGBTQ+ to join. Allies are welcome!

Please consider purchasing your membership in the LGBTQ+ Caucus by tonight at 11:59 PM and mark your calendar for the endorsement meeting on January 27th. Your involvement can help us achieve our shared goals of equality, fairness, and progress.

To purchase your membership, visit: https://www.thecaucus.org/annual-membership/

Donate Now

Best Wishes,


Campaign Manager

Karthik For Texas

P.S. Remember, every bit counts. Together, we're building a Texas we can ALL be proud of!

                                  Sent via Action Network, a free online toolset anyone can use to organize. Click here to sign up and get started building an email list and creating online actions today.

                            Action Network is an open platform that empowers individuals and groups to organize for progressive causes. We encourage responsible activism, and do not support using the platform to take unlawful or other improper action. We do not control or endorse the conduct of users and make no representations of any kind about them.

                            You can unsubscribe or update your email address or change your name and address by changing your subscription preferences here.
ksoora commented 6 months ago
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Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

This is Shivani: Karthik’s wife, Bhoomi’s mom, campaign volunteer, and hopeful citizen of Texas! Today, I come to you with a sense of urgency and a surge of optimism for the potential of our campaign to make an impact on the state of Texas.

I want you to know that my conviction in Karthik's abilities runs deep. Since meeting in grad school in 2016, I've had the privilege of witnessing firsthand his intelligence, his unrelenting work ethic, and his unmatched passion for creating a better Houston and, by extension, a better Texas. Karthik is the real deal y’all – he is not looking for political clout; instead he is fueled by his conviction in a future where Texas has flipped blue. A Texas that embodies the values of equality, justice, and progress that we hold so dear.

But here's the urgent part: to turn this vision into a reality, we need your support today. As the last day of the year, this is our final chance to make sure Karthik is hitting the ground running in 2024. Your contribution, no matter the size, will play a crucial role in our campaign's success. Every dollar donated will enable us to reach more voters, share our message, and bring about the change Texas so desperately needs.

Please click here to make a donation right now.

Your support today can make all the difference. It's a vote of confidence in Karthik's ability to lead and a statement of your commitment to a brighter future for Texas.

Together, we can achieve great things. Thank you for standing with us on this journey.

With gratitude,


Karthik For Texas Campaign

P.S. Your immediate contribution will have a significant impact on our campaign's momentum. Please donate today and help us bring positive change to Texas.

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 6 months ago
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Hello tiy-houston-q1-rails/day-3,

The Countdown is On: Our Year-End Deadline is Today! As 2023 comes to a close, we are less than 12 hours away from our campaign deadline. Today, December 31st, is our final chance to gather the resources we need to jump into 2024 with full force.

We are SO CLOSE to Our Goal: Your Support Can Make a Huge Difference

Your support today can set the tone for the victories that lie ahead in 2024. Whether it's $5, $50, or $500, your contribution right now is an investment in a vision for a better, more inclusive Texas.

Take a Stand Before Midnight: Every Donation Counts

Your contribution will fuel our efforts to bring about real democracy in Texas – from improving education, to expanding healthcare, to protecting civil liberties for each and every one of us.

Thank you for standing with us throughout this year. Together, we've come far, but there's still much to do. Let's make this last day of 2023 count!

Best wishes,


Communications Director

Karthik For Texas Campaign

P.S. This is it – the final hours of 2023. Let's end this year on a high note and pave the way for a transformative 2024 for Texas!

                            Sent via ActionNetwork.org.

                              To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Karthik for Texas, please click here.
ksoora commented 6 months ago
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Hello Friends,

Austin City Council Member Zohaib Qadri of District 9 has thrown his support behind Karthik for our push in Texas Senate District 15. As always, we are so happy that our message for change is resonating. We are continuing to forge a diverse alliance of Latinos, Anglos, Black folks, AAPIs, LGBTQ+ folks, and more across Texas, uniting a dynamic mix of individuals – from advocates and community organizers to everyday Texans – to mirror the rich and varied diversity of this 70% majority-minority district!   But we can't win this race without your help volunteering!

Now's Our Chance To Build On This Momentum – Volunteer With Team Karthik

Zo states: "I am proud to endorse Karthik Soora in Texas Senate District 15 because we need more teachers in the Texas Senate. We need his voice now more than ever.  

Karthik will fight for housing abundance, safe streets, and crucial investments in high-speed rail and public transit. I met Karthik long before either of us ever thought to run for public office. I knew him as someone who always put working families first, and I know that’s what he’ll continue to do as a State Senator." -Zohaib Qadri

We're up against big challenges, but with the support of leaders like Qadri and people like you, we can make a real impact. Your contribution today isn't just a donation; it's a commitment to the ideals we're fighting for.

Make Your Mark: Your Donation Today is a Vote for Change

Donate Now

Thank you for all of the support so far! This campaign is about bringing voices together to shape the future of Texas – and every voice counts.

Wishing you all a great start to 2024,


Communications Director

Karthik For Texas


P.S. Make a difference with your donation. Let's create a future for Texas that's rich in diversity and unity!

                                  Sent via Action Network, a free online toolset anyone can use to organize. Click here to sign up and get started building an email list and creating online actions today.

                            Action Network is an open platform that empowers individuals and groups to organize for progressive causes. We encourage responsible activism, and do not support using the platform to take unlawful or other improper action. We do not control or endorse the conduct of users and make no representations of any kind about them.

                            You can unsubscribe or update your email address or change your name and address by changing your subscription preferences here.