tj / frontend-boilerplate

webpack-react-redux-babel-autoprefixer-hmr-postcss-css-modules-rucksack-boilerplate (unmaintained, I don't use it anymore)
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Editorconfig #34

Closed woliveiras closed 8 years ago

woliveiras commented 8 years ago

It's interesting create a .editorconfig for the project?

tj commented 8 years ago

Nahh, too many dotfiles looks overwhelming for people I think, at least that's how I feel when I see like 15 in the repo root. It's easy for me, 2 spaces for everything except Go and Makefiles which require tabs

woliveiras commented 8 years ago

Really. :smile:

So I'll close the issue, ok?

PatrickJS commented 8 years ago

dat dotfile fatigue

hstonge commented 8 years ago

I guess savvy developers will indeed be able to handle code formatting themselves, but it's hard to refuse a nice auto-format magic from your IDE :)

woliveiras commented 8 years ago

@hstonge :+1: :smile:

tj commented 8 years ago

I guess it has enough options to be worth it-ish haha, kinda, most are kind of implied these days, trimming trailing whitespace etc is a no-brainer

mikaa123 commented 8 years ago

I'm not convinced anymore by the usefulness of .editorconfig files. Most of the time they just sit there. However I think having rules for linting would be great!

Maybe we could start by extending eslint config rakt and incrementally add the rules we want?

thebigredgeek commented 8 years ago

+1 on the linting. I'll submit a PR with an eslint boilerplate. We can work off of that

thebigredgeek commented 8 years ago