tj / luna

luna programming language - a small, elegant VM implemented in C
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VIM highlighting #75

Open hellerve opened 8 years ago

hellerve commented 8 years ago


I've started a vim plugin. Up until now, it's basically a trimmed-down version of vim-ruby but with type definition blocks. It is laggy and makes a load of mistakes when hightlighting (especially with type annotations [shudder]), but to an extent, it works.

I've been having trouble with the minimalism of the examples, though, and the lack of documentation on the available operators. I think I've pulled them all out of the parser file (thanks for the Backus-Naur style comments, by the way), but you never know.

Anyway, if anyone who knows Luna and/or VimScript better than I do could take a look at it, that would be great!


vendethiel commented 8 years ago

I gather you've taken a look at the examples already?

hellerve commented 8 years ago

Yes, I did. As I said they are rather small and the operators are not documented or showcased in there, I think.

glhrmfrts commented 8 years ago

I'm afraid what you are looking for will not be available any time soon, Luna still has a lot of undefined/unclear features.

hellerve commented 8 years ago

Reasonable. Just hit me up whenever y'all feel the language is stable enough syntax-wise and I will gladly maintain a VIM plugin.