tj / luna

luna programming language - a small, elegant VM implemented in C
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Performance? #83

Closed lukeed closed 8 years ago

lukeed commented 8 years ago

I hate to be the one to bring this up (lol)... but is there a set of benchmarks somewhere that could be comparable to other C / Erlang / Go setups?

Very intrigued, but admittedly also curious how it stacks up against others.


vendethiel commented 8 years ago


lukeed commented 8 years ago

...just wondering how "fast" Luna is

glhrmfrts commented 8 years ago

Luna doesn't run any code yet, it only parses the code to an AST. There is a VM in there but it's very primitive and it will most likely be completely refactored in the future, just like the code generation.

lukeed commented 8 years ago

Ah, ok. Thank you for the clarification @glhrmfrts !