tj / pomo

Ruby Pomodoro app for the command-line (time / task management)
MIT License
525 stars 53 forks source link

A few updates #24

Closed stephenmckinney closed 11 years ago

stephenmckinney commented 11 years ago

Most likely you're not still supporting this gem, but I've had fun using it and added a few features that made it more useful for myself after seeing the Pomodoro plugin for RubyMine I wanted something similar in iTerm2.

Here's the punchlist:

The ~/.pomo_stat feature enables Tmux status lines, etc. to read this file and display the current time left in a Pomodoro e.g.




in tmux.conf

# status bar refresh rate (seconds)
set -g status-interval 3
# right status bar
set-option -g status-right '#[bold]⡇ #H ⡇ #(~/.bin/pomo)  ⡇ #(~/.bin/battery) ⡇ %b %d %I:%M%p '



# Display timer as red if less than 5 mins and
# green for greater that 5 mins. 0 is not changed.
echo $(cat ~/.pomo_stat) | \
sed \
-e 's/^\([1-5]\):00/#[default]#[fg=red]\1:00#[default]#[bold]/' \
-e 's/^\([1-9][0-9]\{0,1\}\):00/#[default]#[fg=green]\1:00#[default]#[bold]/'
stephenmckinney commented 11 years ago

If you're not interested in maintaining the pomo gem, there are some options:

  1. I can take over maintenance and you can give me access to push the gem to rubygems OR
  2. I could just make a fork called 'pomo2' or something and push my own gem

I'm interested in adding more features like: pomo pause/stop; having pomodoro sets so that you can take a long break after 3 or 4 pomodoros; adding pomo sets, duration, short break, and long break into .pomorc, etc.

tj commented 11 years ago

im happy to give you access, i dont remember how to do that with gem though

stephenmckinney commented 11 years ago

To add me as an owner, you can execute the following:

gem owner pomo --add

tj commented 11 years ago

hmm apparently my credentials are gone haha, fuck it, ill have to look into it later, centralized registries ftw

stephenmckinney commented 11 years ago

LOL. OK. Going to under 'API Access' should point you in the right direction.

Steve McKinney

On Thursday, December 13, 2012 at 4:18 PM, TJ Holowaychuk wrote:

hmm apparently my credentials are gone haha, fuck it, ill have to look into it later, centralized registries ftw

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tj commented 11 years ago

k done

stephenmckinney commented 11 years ago

nice. thx.