tj / pomo

Ruby Pomodoro app for the command-line (time / task management)
MIT License
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add tomatos support? #38

Closed zlx closed 8 years ago

zlx commented 11 years ago

your pomo list can be like this:

$ pomo ls
    0. modify for order task                              : 1 tomatos
    1. learn rails activepack                             : 2 tomatos
    2. learn haskell                                      : 1 tomatos
    3. learn programming                                  : 1 tomatos
                                              0 minutes and 5 tomatos
jhwist commented 11 years ago

Yes please! +1 on that one.

stephenmckinney commented 11 years ago

0 minutes and 5 tomatos? What does a tomato represent?

zlx commented 11 years ago

A tomato represent 25 minutes or any piece of time for you. you can focus on work during this time

zlx commented 11 years ago

May be you can work with pomodoro timer on linux

stephenmckinney commented 11 years ago

OK so if a tomato is a unit of work, say 25 mins or even 60 mins. Shouldn't this unit of work be defined in the config not per task?

jhwist commented 11 years ago

Yes, ideally I would like to see it like so:

I can highly recommend to read

zlx commented 11 years ago

Good, I highly dependent pomodoro, And now I work with pomo and pomodoro timer in linux. But if pomo can work independent with tomato working style, I'll abandon pomodoro timer.

now for me, pomo notification is weak and auto take break and quick stop is also needed

chrismdp commented 11 years ago

:+1: for merging please - this is the one feature that's stopping me using pomo.

Schwad commented 9 years ago

Sweet lord that would be amazing.... then I wouldn't have to have a pomo list with some items put 2-6 times in there!

Sitebase commented 9 years ago

Awesome suggestion @zlx !