tj / pomo

Ruby Pomodoro app for the command-line (time / task management)
MIT License
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RVM / Archlinux issues #42

Closed barraponto closed 11 years ago

barraponto commented 11 years ago

I've just created a gemset for pomo, but it doesn't work. Here's the output:

Steps to reproduce (on ArchLinux):

rvm install 1.9.3-p392
rvm use 1.9.3-p392
rvm gemset use pomo --create
gem install pomo
stephenmckinney commented 11 years ago

What's the output of cat ~/.pomorc?

stephenmckinney commented 11 years ago

Actually this is identical to #34, you have to install libnotify on Linux to use notifiers.

barraponto commented 11 years ago

yeah, i got confused by the "program version require" message. Anyway, shouldn't it depend on the gem libnotify?