tjackenpacken / taskbar-groups

Lightweight utility for organizing the taskbar through groups
MIT License
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Suggestion and improvements #123

Open ClarckTumazar opened 3 years ago

ClarckTumazar commented 3 years ago

Issue: when increasing opacity, the icons inside the group also get opaque, its nice if only the background can be opacity. suggestion: it would be nice if we can edit the corners of the group box to be rounded. suggestion: its also nice if we can just hover on the icon and the apps will appear. suggestion: its also nice if we can add directly the apps on the taskbar. suggestion: it nice if we can access the menu of taskbar group by right clicking the group icon.

This app is very great and its just what I'm looking for! the room for improvements is vast and can be more beautiful simple and nice! Really nice job! thank you!

samwzlim commented 3 years ago

+1 for the hovering feature! That would make it much more native like.

tjackenpacken commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions!

The opacity and rounded corners shouldn't be a problem. I will look into implementing that.

The hovering feature is unfortunaly a harder nut to crack. Since the taskbar UI is limited by windows shell i have not found a way to implement features like this one. If anyone has an idea im all ears.

The addition of apps directly to the taskbar is an idea i've been having aswell. One small problem is that as of now, clicking outside the group closes it, but i think that can be worked around.

The last suggestion of context menu is something that will be implemented in the future

PikeNote commented 3 years ago

I have looked into implementing something of sorts currently regarding suggestion 2 with hovering on the icon. Currently, I haven't found an exact method of how to keep track + pop out a UI. I know Bins has that feature and would want to emulate something of sorts and that is much more usable, but it seems difficulty at the moment. Not exactly much information to go off on the process of how that would work.

I have been also exploring that background process idea to speed up loading/display times when you do click but it does seem to not work at all with my first attempt at implementation. My current attempt had been using a form as a stand-in background process. That would monitor a file that is written to when you open the application to, so it can launch the appropriate (other form) to display the apps. That implementation is iffy thus far and has frozen when trying to display said form.

With adding apps directly from the taskbar- I guess you can try checking if the user has clicked anywhere in the taskbar section and prevent a form close. You can catch them closing and stop it from happening if you do the check on the form closing event. You can do the basic drag over event to display where it would go and make room for it.

echojhawke commented 3 years ago

Drag and drop icons into the group icon to add apps to the group would be an awesome thing to see!

Love the app otherwise!

PsycheOphis commented 1 year ago

I would love to have the option to choose rounded corners or more personal customizable options. Love the application though. It simply looks a little out of place on Win-11 as the majority of 'borders' have rounded edges. So it looks out of place when using Taskbar Groups.