tjanson / WifiLocationLogger

Android application for logging Wifi signal strength by location
32 stars 10 forks source link

Maintenance status & License #22

Closed IzzySoft closed 5 years ago

IzzySoft commented 5 years ago

Just wondering if this project is still maintained (no commits for almost 4 years). If not, may I suggest to archive it (via its settings here in Github) to make it clear to see?

tjanson commented 5 years ago

Well I suppose it is maintained in the sense that I’d merge PRs if there were any. So I’m ambivalent about archiving it.

This project never was anything more than a quick and dirty attempt to log some data for the Freifunk community. Have you tried building it? It might still work. (If it doesn’t, I’ll add a note so others don’t waste their time.)

IzzySoft commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your reply! So let's say it's "no longer actively developed"?

Background for my question is your app is in my repo, and I just ran my "annual inventory". One step of that was checking with each project that didn't have any commit for more than 2 years :wink:

So is it OK for you if I use above phrase and link to this issue?

tjanson commented 5 years ago

Yes, sure, that’s accurate.

IzzySoft commented 5 years ago

Done, thanks! (Visible after the next sync, latest tomorrow evening).

IzzySoft commented 5 years ago

PS: What license do you use for your app, @tjanson? Couldn't find any mention in readme or source.

tjanson commented 5 years ago

I’m not opposed to using a FOSS license or even releasing the code into the public domain, but since I’m strictly speaking not the sole author, I can’t unilaterally do so now.

@MPW1412 Do you agree to release your contribution into the public domain? (Or MIT / whatever, if you prefer?)

MPW1412 commented 5 years ago

Sure, do whatever you want with the code. It's just a few lines.

Freifunk Münsterland is developing another App at the moment to display signal strength on a map.

tjanson commented 5 years ago

Interesting, can you give me a link @MPW1412 ? And thanks for your permission.

@IzzySoft Consider the code dedicated to the public domain using the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 dedication.

IzzySoft commented 5 years ago

Thanks @tjanson & @MPW1412! Added that to the app's description (should show up with tomorrow's sync).