tjaworski / AceMagic-S1-LED-TFT-Linux

ACEMAGIC S1 Mini TFT/LCD and LED Control for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
79 stars 11 forks source link

Flipped Wallpaper #14

Open Smilie3 opened 2 months ago

Smilie3 commented 2 months ago

Just played a little around and the wallpaper seems to be flipped in both orientations.

tjaworski commented 2 months ago

Could you clarify what you mean by 'flipped around'? It would be helpful if you could provide more details or attach some screenshots.

Smilie3 commented 2 months ago


Just a quick example

tjaworski commented 2 months ago

for the wallpaper image's 0,0 (top-left) will always be the screen's native 0,0 which is always (top-left) in landscape regardless of the orientation. currently, the s1panel software doesn't do any pre-processing of the wallpaper image. Best way to make a wallpaper images is to create a blank image 320x170, and paste the source image in the orientation your device will be in. (do not rotate the image itself).