tjaworski / AceMagic-S1-LED-TFT-Linux

ACEMAGIC S1 Mini TFT/LCD and LED Control for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
116 stars 14 forks source link

Network graph #30

Open Efkovole opened 17 hours ago

Efkovole commented 17 hours ago

I'd like to thank you in advance for your work. However, I have a problem with the network graph. It gets stuck after a few minutes.

Efkovole commented 15 hours ago

I fixed the code. network.js and network_thread.js

↓↓network.js ↓↓

'use strict';
 * s1panel - sensor/network
 * Copyright (c) 2024 Tomasz Jaworski (Fixed Filip Šmída)
 * GPL-3 Licensed
const threads = require('worker_threads');
const logger = require('../logger');

function record_sample(array, value, max_points) {
    if (!array.length) {
        for (let i = 0; i < max_points; i++) {

    return value;

function bytes_to_data_rate(bytes, bits) {
    const _value = bits ? bytes * 8 : bytes;
    const kb = _value / 1024;
    const mb = kb / 1024;
    const gb = mb / 1024;

    if (gb >= 1) {
        return gb.toFixed(bits ? 0 : 2) + (bits ? ' Gbit/s' : ' Gb/s');
    } else if (mb >= 1) {
        return mb.toFixed(bits ? 0 : 2) + (bits ? ' Mbit/s' : ' Mb/s');
    } else if (kb >= 1) {
        return kb.toFixed(bits ? 0 : 2) + (bits ? ' kbit/s' : ' Kb/s');
    return bytes + (bits ? ' bit/s' : ' B/s');

function max_link_capacity_bytes(link_speed) {
    return (link_speed * 0.125) * (1024 * 1024);

async function sample(rate, format, config) {
    const _private = config._private;
    const _diff = _private.last_sampled ? Math.floor(Number(process.hrtime.bigint()) / 1000000) - _private.last_sampled : 0;
    let _dirty = false;

    if (!_private.last_sampled || _diff > rate) {
        _private.last_sampled = Math.floor(Number(process.hrtime.bigint()) / 1000000);
        _private.worker.postMessage({ iface: _private.iface, rate: rate });
        _dirty = _private.thread_checkin_count ? true : false;
        _private.thread_checkin_count = 0;

    if (_dirty) {
        _private.max_rx_bytes = Math.max(..._private.history_rx_bytes);
        _private.max_tx_bytes = Math.max(..._private.history_tx_bytes);
        _private.max_rx_packets = Math.max(..._private.history_rx_packets);
        _private.max_tx_packets = Math.max(..._private.history_tx_packets);

    const _absolute_max = max_link_capacity_bytes(_private.link_speed);
    let _max = _absolute_max;

    const _output = format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, (match, number) => {
        switch (number) {
            case '0':
                return _private.iface;
            case '1': // download
                _max = _private.scale_factor ? Math.min(Math.ceil(_private.max_rx_bytes * _private.scale_factor), _absolute_max) : _absolute_max;
                return _private.history_rx_bytes.length > 0 ? _private.history_rx_bytes[_private.history_rx_bytes.length - 1] : 0;
            case '2':
                return _private.history_rx_bytes.join();
            case '3':
                return _private.history_rx_bytes.length > 0 ? bytes_to_data_rate(_private.history_rx_bytes[_private.history_rx_bytes.length - 1]) : '0 B/s';
            case '4': // upload
                _max = _private.scale_factor ? Math.min(Math.ceil(_private.max_tx_bytes * _private.scale_factor), _absolute_max) : _absolute_max;
                return _private.history_tx_bytes.length > 0 ? _private.history_tx_bytes[_private.history_tx_bytes.length - 1] : 0;
            case '5':
                return _private.history_tx_bytes.join();
            case '6':
                return _private.history_tx_bytes.length > 0 ? bytes_to_data_rate(_private.history_tx_bytes[_private.history_tx_bytes.length - 1]) : '0 B/s';
            case '7': // download packets
                _max = _private.max_rx_packets;
                return _private.history_rx_packets.length > 0 ? _private.history_rx_packets[_private.history_rx_packets.length - 1] : 0;
            case '8':
                return _private.history_rx_packets.length > 0 ? _private.history_rx_packets[_private.history_rx_packets.length - 1] + ' rx/pps' : '0 rx/pps';
            case '9':
                return _private.history_rx_packets.join();
            case '10': // upload packets
                _max = _private.max_tx_packets;
                return _private.history_tx_packets.length > 0 ? _private.history_tx_packets[_private.history_tx_packets.length - 1] : 0;
            case '11':
                return _private.history_tx_packets.length > 0 ? _private.history_tx_packets[_private.history_tx_packets.length - 1] + ' tx/pps' : '0 tx/pps';
            case '12':
                return _private.history_tx_packets.join();
            case '13':
                return _private.link_speed;
            case '14':
                return _private.link_mtu;
            case '15':  // bits
                return _private.history_rx_bytes.length > 0 ? bytes_to_data_rate(_private.history_rx_bytes[_private.history_rx_bytes.length - 1], true) : '0 bit/s';
            case '16':
                return _private.history_tx_bytes.length > 0 ? bytes_to_data_rate(_private.history_tx_bytes[_private.history_tx_bytes.length - 1], true) : '0 bit/s';
            case '17':
                return _private.ipv4;
            case '18':
                return _private.ipv6;
                return 'null';

    return { value: _output, min: 0, max: _max };

function init(config) {
    const _private = {
        max_points: config?.max_points || 300,
        iface: config?.interface || 'enp2s0',
        history_rx_bytes: [],
        history_tx_bytes: [],
        max_rx_bytes: 0,
        max_tx_bytes: 0,
        history_rx_packets: [],
        history_tx_packets: [],
        max_rx_packets: 0,
        max_tx_packets: 0,
        link_speed: 1000,
        link_mtu: 1500,
        scale_factor: config?.scaling || 1.5,
        thread_checkin_count: 0
    };'initialize: monitoring interface ' + _private.iface);'initialize: network max points are set to ' + _private.max_points);

    _private.worker = new threads.Worker(__dirname + '/network_thread.js', { workerData: { iface: _private.iface } });

    _private.worker.on('message', message => {
        if (!message.rx || !message.tx) {
            logger.error('Chybí data ve zprávě workeru:', message);

        _private.link_mtu = message.mtu;
        _private.link_speed = message.speed;

        record_sample(_private.history_rx_bytes, message.rx.bytes, _private.max_points);
        record_sample(_private.history_tx_bytes, message.tx.bytes, _private.max_points);

        record_sample(_private.history_rx_packets, message.rx.packets, _private.max_points);
        record_sample(_private.history_tx_packets, message.tx.packets, _private.max_points);

        _private.ipv4 = message.ipv4;
        _private.ipv6 = message.ipv6;


    _private.worker.on('error', (err) => {
        logger.error('Worker error:', err);
        _private.worker.terminate(); // Ukončit worker při chybě
        _private.worker = new threads.Worker(__dirname + '/network_thread.js', { workerData: { iface: _private.iface } });

    _private.worker.on('exit', (code) => {
        if (code !== 0) {
            logger.error(`Worker stopped with exit code ${code}`);

    config._private = _private;

    return 'network_' + _private.iface;

module.exports = {

↓↓ network_thread.js ↓↓

'use strict';
 * s1panel - sensor/network_thread
 * Copyright (c) 2024 Tomasz Jaworski
 * GPL-3 Licensed
const fs = require('fs');
const threads = require('worker_threads');
const logger = require('../logger');
const { exec } = require('child_process');

const DEFAULT_RATE_MS = 1000;
const TIMEOUT_COUNT = 30;

let _running = false;
let _collect_count = 0;

let _fault = false;

function read_file(path) {
    return new Promise((fulfill, reject) => {
        fs.readFile(path, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
            if (err) {
                logger.error(`network_thread: Error reading file ${path}: ${err.message}`);
                return reject(new Error(`Error reading file ${path}: ${err.message}`));

function run_command(cmdline) {
    return new Promise((fulfill, reject) => {
        const _runit = exec(cmdline, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
            if (error) {
                logger.error(`network_thread: Command failed (${cmdline}): ${error.message}`);
                return reject(new Error(`Command failed (${cmdline}): ${error.message}`));

function read_ip(iface) {
    return new Promise((fulfill, reject) => {
        const _cmdline = `ip -j a show dev ${iface}`;

            .then(output => {
                try {
                    const parsed = JSON.parse(output);
                } catch (parseError) {
                    logger.error(`network_thread: JSON parse error for IP data: ${parseError.message}`);
                    reject(new Error(`JSON parse error for IP data: ${parseError.message}`));
            .catch(err => {
                if (!_fault) {
                    logger.error(`network_thread: sensors reported error: ${err.message}`);
                    _fault = true;
                fulfill(null); // Pokračovat i při chybě

function network_usage(iface) {
    const _base_path = `/sys/class/net/${iface}`;
    const _path = `${_base_path}/statistics`;

    return Promise.all([
        read_file(`${_base_path}/mtu`).catch(err => null),
        read_file(`${_base_path}/speed`).catch(err => null),
        read_file(`${_path}/rx_bytes`).catch(err => null),
        read_file(`${_path}/tx_bytes`).catch(err => null),
        read_file(`${_path}/rx_packets`).catch(err => null),
        read_file(`${_path}/tx_packets`).catch(err => null),
        read_ip(iface).catch(err => null)

let _last_rx_bytes = 0;
let _last_tx_bytes = 0;
let _last_rx_packets = 0;
let _last_tx_packets = 0;

function collect(message) {

    if (_collect_count < TIMEOUT_COUNT) {
            .then(results => {
                if (!results || results.length < 7) {
                    logger.error('network_thread: Incomplete network usage data received.');

                const _mtu = Number(results[0]);
                const _speed = Number(results[1]);

                const _current_rx_bytes = Number(results[2]);
                const _current_tx_bytes = Number(results[3]);

                const _current_rx_packets = Number(results[4]);
                const _current_tx_packets = Number(results[5]);

                const _delta_rx_bytes = _last_rx_bytes ? _current_rx_bytes - _last_rx_bytes : 0;
                const _delta_tx_bytes = _last_tx_bytes ? _current_tx_bytes - _last_tx_bytes : 0;

                const _delta_rx_packets = _last_rx_packets ? _current_rx_packets - _last_rx_packets : 0;
                const _delta_tx_packets = _last_tx_packets ? _current_tx_packets - _last_tx_packets : 0;

                _last_rx_bytes = _current_rx_bytes;
                _last_tx_bytes = _current_tx_bytes;

                _last_rx_packets = _current_rx_packets;
                _last_tx_packets = _current_tx_packets;

                const _ip_data = results[6];
                let _ipv4 = 'n/a';
                let _ipv4_count = 0;
                let _ipv6 = 'n/a';
                let _ipv6_count = 0;

                if (_ip_data) {
                    _ip_data.forEach(each => {
                        each.addr_info.forEach(info => {
                            if ('global' === info.scope) {
                                switch ( {
                                    case 'inet':
                                        if (!_ipv4_count) {
                                            _ipv4 = info.local;
                                    case 'inet6':
                                        if (!_ipv6_count) {
                                            _ipv6 = info.local;

                // Ověření, že všechna data jsou validní
                if (isNaN(_mtu) || isNaN(_speed)) {
                    logger.error('network_thread: Invalid MTU or speed data.');

                if (isNaN(_delta_rx_bytes) || isNaN(_delta_tx_bytes) || isNaN(_delta_rx_packets) || isNaN(_delta_tx_packets)) {
                    logger.error('network_thread: Invalid delta values.');

                    mtu: _mtu || 0,
                    speed: _speed || 0,
                    rx: { bytes: _delta_rx_bytes || 0, packets: _delta_rx_packets || 0 },
                    tx: { bytes: _delta_tx_bytes || 0, packets: _delta_tx_packets || 0 },
                    ipv4: _ipv4,
                    ipv6: _ipv6

                setTimeout(() => {
                }, message.rate || DEFAULT_RATE_MS);
            .catch(err => {
                logger.error(`network_thread: Error during data collection: ${err.message}`);
                // Pokračovat i při chybě, aby se skript neskončil
                setTimeout(() => {
                }, message.rate || DEFAULT_RATE_MS);
    } else {'network_thread: collector stopped for iface ' + message.iface);
        _running = false;

threads.parentPort.on('message', message => {
    _collect_count = 0; // reset

    if (!_running) {
        _running = true;'network_thread: collector started for iface ' + message.iface);

});'network_thread: started... for ' + threads.workerData.iface);
tjaworski commented 15 hours ago

do you know why you were getting invalid values?