Meeting w/ X 12/11/2022
Here's the realistic sample inputs he used which would be for a house: kWh per month = 450, price of electricity = 11.4 lek, roof space = 100 m^2, pv share = 65%
[x] Make screen continuous, not split. Put results and table in separate box, but keep on same background
[ ] Correct number of panels calculator, might be using Wh not kWh
[ ] The energy generated and total cost is too high for the number of panels being given
[ ] Remove whitespace between the top bkgd image and the yellow bkgd in resources
[ ] Show radiation next to municipality
[ ] Add another section for numbers at 100% usage
[ ] Simple loan calculator w/ disclaimer
[x] year/month does not change data immediately. Also, changing year/month does not affect the amortization period
[ ] Basically, turn our static calculation into a variable calculation. The peak power production should not be used for all hours of the day. We should multiply it by 16%, then 32%, then 48%...for first 6 hours of day. Then divide by 16%...for last 6 hours of day. Then multiply this total by 30 to get for the whole month. Also, make sure that we are using 12 hours for production, not 24. This will make our results lower and far more accurate.
[x] Remove "here" link
[ ] Specify capacity in kw per panel, not per meter squared
[x] Make "use this panel" button more noticeable
[ ] Adjust calculations to change after all inputs and be more accurate
[x] Allow users to enter width x height of panel
[x] Rename "percent for..." field to "pv share" or something
[ ] Allow users to enter kwh per month or cost per month for the num panels calculator
[ ] Add "type of business" field that correlates to different costs per kw
[ ] Data on graph uses monthly values, not avg value
[x] Fix "enviornmnet" typo
[x] Reword "Just remember if you do not go 100%..."
[ ] Add section on climate change or elaborate on previous section
[ ] State that solar tax benefit not in effect yet
[x] Unbold plain sentences
[ ] Explain that panel capacity shortens over years. By 20-25 years it will be at 80% capacity
[ ] Add fine print saying that installer warranties cover some, but not all, equipment
[ ] Account for electrical engineers not having licenses directly for pv. Research this
[ ] Specify kind of lawyer. Some applications done on lottery system
[x] Remove accusations against solar installers
[ ] Electricity is shut off for a business only at final connection to grid after wiring. It stays on during wiring.
Meeting w/ X 12/11/2022 Here's the realistic sample inputs he used which would be for a house: kWh per month = 450, price of electricity = 11.4 lek, roof space = 100 m^2, pv share = 65%