tjcsl / director

Director (web3)
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Organize Buttons on Site Info Page #34

Open ovkulkarni opened 7 years ago

ovkulkarni commented 7 years ago

Separate "Web Terminal" and "Online Editor" into a "File Editing" category, "Rewrite Configuration" and ("Reset Permissions" -> "Reset File Permissions"), "Configure Site", and "Delete Site" into a "Site Administration " category, and "Install Wordpress" + whatever other frameworks into a "Install Web Frameworks" category. I'm not sure what the benefit of the back button is.

naitian commented 7 years ago

I feel like "Configure Site" can be renamed to "Site Settings", and several of the buttons (rewrite config, reset permissions, delete site) could just go on the settings page.

ovkulkarni commented 7 years ago

Sure, either one works for me.