tjdevries / express_line.nvim

WIP: Statusline written in pure lua. Supports co-routines, functions and jobs.
MIT License
279 stars 19 forks source link

[Not an issue] Sharing my express_line customization #62

Open ibhagwan opened 2 years ago

ibhagwan commented 2 years ago

After seeing the clean looking statusline in @tjdevries videos I decided to explore this plugin and really loved it, with a bit of lua/nvim knowledge it provides the most flexibilty to do anything with your statusline with great performance (no timed quries, event based for "heavier" queries), as more of a DIY personality and wanting to have full control over my statusline this is perfect :-)

TJ's config wasn't exactly how I wanted it so I embarked on a little project and I'm very happy with the result, decided to share just in case anyone finds this useful: image

"Features" include:

It's very opnionated so I have no plans on making this an additonal plugin or extension but if one wishes to use the code in your config it only consists of 2 files (from my nvim config):

youngtuotuo commented 2 months ago

After trying lualine, heirline, I think express-line fits my needs better. Based on ibhagwan's config, here's mine. image

return {
  dependencies = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
  config = function()
    vim.opt.laststatus = 3
    local builtin = require("el.builtin")
    local extensions = require("el.extensions")
    local sections = require("el.sections")
    local subscribe = require("el.subscribe")

    local function set_hl(hls, s)
      if not hls or not s then
        return s
      hls = type(hls) == "string" and { hls } or hls
      for _, hl in ipairs(hls) do
        if vim.fn.hlID(hl) > 0 then
          return ("%%#%s#%s%%0*"):format(hl, s)
      return s

    local function diagnostics(_, buffer)
      local counts = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
      local diags = vim.diagnostic.get(buffer.bufnr)
      if diags and not vim.tbl_isempty(diags) then
        for _, d in ipairs(diags) do
          if tonumber(d.severity) then
            counts[d.severity] = counts[d.severity] + 1
      counts = {
        errors = counts[1],
        warnings = counts[2],
        infos = counts[3],
        hints = counts[4],
      local items = {}
      local icons = {
        ["errors"] = { "E", "DiagnosticError" },
        ["warnings"] = { "W", "DiagnosticWarn" },
        ["infos"] = { "I", "DiagnosticInfo" },
        ["hints"] = { "H", "DiagnosticHint" },
      for _, k in ipairs({ "errors", "warnings", "infos", "hints" }) do
        if counts[k] > 0 then
          table.insert(items, set_hl(icons[k][2], ("%s%s"):format(icons[k][1], counts[k])))
      local fmt = " %s"
      if vim.tbl_isempty(items) then
        return ""
      local contents = ("%s"):format(table.concat(items, " "))
      return fmt:format(contents)

    local function git(window, buffer)
      local branch = extensions.git_branch(window, buffer)
      local changes = extensions.git_changes(window, buffer)
      local res = ""
      if branch then
        res = res .. set_hl("@constant", " " .. branch)
      if changes then
        local specs = {
          insert = {
            regex = "%+(%d+)",
            icon = "+",
            hl = "diffAdded",
          change = {
            regex = "%~(%d+)",
            icon = "~",
            hl = "diffChanged",
          delete = {
            regex = "%-(%d+)",
            icon = "-",
            hl = "diffRemoved",
        local result = {}
        for _, v in pairs(specs) do
          local count = nil
          count = tonumber(string.match(changes, v.regex))
          if count and count > 0 then
            table.insert(result, set_hl(v.hl, ("%s%d"):format(v.icon, count)))
        res = res .. " " .. table.concat(result, " ")
      return res

    local function mode(_, _)
      local modes = {
        n = { "Normal", { "@function" } },
        niI = { "Normal", { "@function" } },
        niR = { "Normal", { "@function" } },
        niV = { "Normal", { "@functio" } },
        no = { "N·OpPd", { "@function" } },
        v = { "Visual", { "Directory" } },
        V = { "V·Line", { "Directory" } },
        [""] = { "V·Blck", { "Directory" } },
        s = { "Select", { "Search" } },
        S = { "S·Line", { "Search" } },
        [""] = { "S·Block", { "Search" } },
        i = { "Insert", { "@constant" } },
        ic = { "ICompl" },
        R = { "Rplace", { "WarningMsg", "IncSearch" } },
        Rv = { "VRplce", { "WarningMsg", "IncSearch" } },
        c = { "Cmmand", { "diffAdded", "DiffAdd" } },
        cv = { "Vim Ex" },
        ce = { "Ex (r)" },
        r = { "Prompt" },
        rm = { "More  " },
        ["r?"] = { "Cnfirm" },
        ["!"] = { "Shell ", { "DiffAdd", "diffAdded" } },
        nt = { "Term  ", { "Visual" } },
        t = { "Term  ", { "DiffAdd", "diffAdded" } },
      local fmt = "%s "
      local m = vim.api.nvim_get_mode().mode
      local mode_data = modes and modes[m]
      local hls = mode_data and mode_data[2]
      m = mode_data and mode_data[1]:upper() or m
      m = (fmt):format(m)
      return set_hl(hls, m) or m

      generator = function(_, _)
        local items = {
          -- mode
          { sections.maximum_width(builtin.file_relative, 0.60), required = true },
          { sections.collapse_builtin({ { " " }, { builtin.modified_flag } }) },
          -- diagnostics
            subscribe.buf_autocmd("el_buf_diagnostic", "DiagnosticChanged", diagnostics),
          { sections.split, required = true },
            subscribe.buf_autocmd("el_git_branch", "BufEnter", git),
          { " " },
          { builtin.filetype },

        local result = {}
        for _, item in ipairs(items) do
          table.insert(result, item)

        return result
ibhagwan commented 2 months ago

@youngtuotuo, since this repo isn’t really maintained and there are many changes since neovim 0.5 I’ve since moved to heirline with similar look and feel, my configuration below:

youngtuotuo commented 2 months ago

@ibhagwan Thx! I do notice that you use heirline now, and I'd tried it, but it's too powerful for me. I won't change my statusline frequently or even add any complicated animation or information on it. So I choose expressline in the end, it's minimal enough to fulfill my needs.

BTW, both of your code in heirline and express line are quite readable without any comments. By reading your code, I can quickly understand how to make use of them in less than 1 hour, really appreciate!

ibhagwan commented 2 months ago

So I choose expressline in the end, it's minimal enough to fulfill my needs.


BTW, both of your code in heirline and express line are quite readable without any comments. By reading your code, I can quickly understand how to make use of them in less than 1 hour, really appreciate!

What a great compliment, Ty @youngtuotuo.