scripts/download_sumneko.lua:56 fails, and upon closer inspection, plenary checks vim.fn.executable(o.cmd) without changing directory to o.cwd beforehand.
my solution is a 'hack' that makes download_sumneko work until plenary.nvim is fixed
basically, I changed:
./3rd/luamake/luamake rebuild -> sh -c "./3rd/luamake/luamake rebuild"
scripts/download_sumneko.lua:56 fails, and upon closer inspection, plenary checks vim.fn.executable(o.cmd) without changing directory to o.cwd beforehand.
my solution is a 'hack' that makes download_sumneko work until plenary.nvim is fixed
basically, I changed:
./3rd/luamake/luamake rebuild -> sh -c "./3rd/luamake/luamake rebuild"