tjfontaine / airprint-generate

Automatically generate AirPrint Avahi service files for CUPS printers
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iOS device reports 'Printer is Offline' #10

Closed rdlugosz closed 11 years ago

rdlugosz commented 11 years ago

On a default Ubuntu 12.04 LTS install I used the airprint-generate script and followed the steps mentioned in issue #5 to add the mime types. The printer appeared to my iOS devices but when you attempted to print iOS would report "The printer is offline".

The fix is that you have to make sure the CUPS server is publishing it's printers. I suspect what happens is that Avahi publishes the name of the printer but since CUPS isn't set to make that printer available to network users the printer appears to be offline when iOS attempts to use it.

Look for the setting "Share published printers connected to this system" in the CUPS server prefs menu.

I am going to immediately close this issue; just leaving it here for the benefit of others.

trinitronx commented 9 years ago

For googlers:

The important /etc/cups/cupsd.conf settings are the following:

# Allow remote access
Port 631
Listen *:631  # If cups is only listening on localhost:631, then you won't be able to see any shared printers
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock

# Share local printers on the local network.
Browsing On
BrowseLocalProtocols dnssd
BrowseOrder allow,deny
BrowseAllow @LOCAL
DefaultAuthType Basic

 <Location />
  # Allow shared printing...
   Order allow,deny
  Allow @LOCAL  ## Allow local connections

After adding these settings and restarting cupsd, you should be able to see your printers from other machines on the network. You can access the local cups admin interface on your server at

If you are seeing an error Local authentication certificate not found. when trying to authenticate, check that you don't have two cupsd daemons already running.

antmak commented 4 years ago
Listen *:631

is a very helpful line! @tjfontaine Could you also add mdns and cups port numbers into README, to be consistent in firewall setup?